Chapter one

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"Lily, come down and help me carry up your things to unpack!" Her mom basically screamed even though the house was only two bedrooms and Lilly's was right at the top of the stairs. "Be right there ,"She was still trying to get a good feel for the room which had bright blue walls, a wooden floor, and the smallest closet she had ever seen. She has way to many clothes for her closet.

Lilly wasn't liking the new house.

She walked down the stairs," mom I don't think all my clothes will fit in the closet." She didn't notice her mom was outside and didn't hear her. As she walked out she nearly tripped over a stray cat.

"OMG! Stupid cat get away from me."

"Sweety, are you ok?"

"Yeah just a dumb cat." She walked to the car and helped her mom carry her boxes up the stairs. When they had brought up all the boxes the truck arrived with the furniture. Two men, one with bright blonde hair and the other with light brown hair, unpacked the truck Lilly hadn't bothered to help them even though her mom told her to a million times.

After all her furniture was in her room she unpacked her boxes. She had a three shelf bookshelf, not all her books fit, her bed was a twin with a purple cheetah print sheet, pillow,and blanket. After she had unpacked her books, she hung her " pierce the vail" posters around her room.

Lilly walked down the stairs and proclaimed, "I'm taking a walk to see the neighborhood." She didn't even wait for her mom to reply before she walked out the door.

She turned around, and studied the house it had red bricks, a concrete porch with an archway to the door, and a navy blue roof. All the other houses looked the same with, grey bricks a wooden porch with steps leading up to the door, and a black roof.

She wondered why her house looked different.

Was it a sign? Should we leave? She finally started walking away from the house when something caught her eye. She walked over to the small Holly bush and saw it, a small gold bracelet. Lilly left it there not wanting to disturb the small nest of birds beside it. She walked around the cul-de-sac, so she wouldn't get lost.

When it was dark she went in. "Why am I so hungry its not even 7 yet?"

She walked into the kitchen, "Hey food is almost ready would you please set thee table?"

"Yeah", she sighed she hated setting the table. she always wanted someone else around to do it.

She sat down and waited for her mom. Her mom brought several pot holders to the table, and then she brought three pots and a plate. The pots held corn, mash potates, and macaroni, the plate held pork chops.

Dinner was silent besides what small talk there was.

Lilly had a pork chop and some macaroni while her mom had seconds of everything. Right after dinner she went up to her room and read her favorite book, "Matched".

She had only read one chapter before she was so tired she could barely see. She got on her pajamas and went to sleep, not even worrying about her new school like she normally did.

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