Chapter 11

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Lilith's POV

Even in the unconscious state I was in, I could hear flesh beat against flesh. The cracking of ice.

I wanted so desperately to open my eyes, to scream for help while my lungs begged for oxygen.

I heard someone pant while sliding beside me.
"Lilith?!" Ash's voice was raw and thick with emotion.

He must be worried... I mean, I doubt I should be able to hear him right now.

"Lilith... please, wake up.." Ash was near crying, but I still didn't have enough energy. I try to moan to tell him I was still alive but I couldn't collect enough life left in me.

"Lilith! Please!!" he screams. His cold hands touch my face before a battle cry is let out, an unknown voice to me. Ash yells at the sound of him being grabbed by his clothes.

He screams at the person while the sound of the exchanging of punches echoes in the hall.

I slowly find the will to open my eyes and lay them upon Ash being held back by Nate. Body parts are thrown everywhere, yet no blood.

He's trying to fight against Nate's grip while screaming at the dead corpse. I raise my head and muster the strength to talk.

"Ash..." I whimper. It was probably too quiet for a human to hear but his head snapped my way straight when I started saying his name.

Relief covers his face and he shakes out of Nate's grip, which loosened from his astonishment.

Ash slides down beside me as my head hits the floor again.

"I got you, sweetie." he whispers while stroking my cheek. "Layton!" he yells. I just about keep my eyes open as Layton runs towards us but after that the immense pain takes me away.

Ash's POV

We laid her in her room but Layton drugged her, just so she wouldn't feel anything.

I kept starting to tremble every now and then when she winced.

8 broken bones... Which punctured a lung. Unlimited bruises. Lost over half of her blood. She should be dead but I thanked whatever kept her alive and just sat beside her for the four days she was unconscious.

The one day she woke up she wanted me to keep her cold.. by hugging her. I was careful, yet still hurt her, and managed to snuggled into her overheating body. I kept a hand always on her forehead while she went back to sleep.

On the fifth day, she finally woke up. Layton said she was recovering well, thanks to the 8 bags of blood we had in storage and his supernatural doctor skills.

Layton was once a doctor before I turned him. The day he could've died was when he was using his skills to help a woman who had been stabbed in the street, which had been a set up to mug someone. A guy behind him beat him to an inch of his life and, with the woman, ran off with all his belongings. They headed to his house and stabbed his sister, who unfortunately died, and robbed their entire house. Police reports suggested it was him who had murdered his sister and ran with their belongings. If only they knew the truth...

Anyway, Lilith finally woke up. But she wasn't quite herself.

She didn't respond to her name and it's like she doesn't know where she is.

The same night Layton came to visit me while she was sound asleep, "Uhh, Ash." Layton said. "Look at her files..." he hands me a wad of paper, some in envelopes others loose, and I file through them. The first bunch all show the searches for 'Lilith Severen' which is what she told Layton was her full name.

"No matches." I state.

Layton nods, "Exactly! So I searched Lilith on its own and nothing near Severen came up. So then I searched Severen.." he picks out a piece of paper with search results on it. "No matches, but it came up with alternatives..."

I look through the last names until one catches my eye.

"Sevenfold.." I mumble. "Isn't that a name of a band?" I ask.

Layton nods again, "Yeah, Avenged Sevenfold, but that's not the point! Don't you recognise it in some other way?"

I think for a while until it hits me, "Jacob and Martina.."

Layton nods.

"But they di-" I began.

"-They had a little daughter, I couldn't remember her name, but.." he hands me a file in a brown envelope, "these files belong to the daughter.." I look through them.

Rose Sevenfold.
Born: 18th December 1997
Parents: Martina Sevenfold (d. 2001), Jacob Sevenfold (d. 2001)
Medical: Faulty heart. Blood: O negative. Cases of suicidal thoughts and anxiety (causing anxiety attacks). Therapist used.
Carers: Max and Pheobe Kale.
Notes: Recently arrested fosters. Treated for mental illness after.

"Not that it could mean shit," Layton says, "But she's 17, an O negative blood type, she had foster parents and..." he bites his lip. "Ash.. she's got cuts all over her hips and thighs."

I look over at her. My heart plummets thinking of her drawing her own blood...

"She doesn't look a lot like Martina or Jacob." I poke a hole in Layton's idea, "and we met Rose once. She was a little girl with pink and blue hair, Layton."

Layton glares at me, "look at the other files..." he growls. I do and almost drop them:

Under a protection program:

Lilith Severen.


"Well... shit" Protection programs, especially if supernatural, change your identity until you'd be undetectable... which is what they did for her.

My eyes drift over to her again. Now she's sat up, watching me and Layton. She's got a dagger in her hand while she's shaking.

"How did you find that?!" she hisses.

"How are you even sat up..?" Layton mumbles seeming confused.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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