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//Please be sure to read the author's note at the end of the chapter//

Kenya Capri

I laughed with my family as we all sat in the rather large living room. Sam was telling jokes and my sides were hurting bout time he was finished.

Steve and Bucky were hugged up on a couch while Wanda and Tony held hands and talked quietly in the corner. Nat and Thor sat together on the other couch, she had her head resting on his shoulder. I was sitting in an armchair alone until Sam came over and sat on my lap.

"Boy get off me" I laughed. He shook his head and laid back on me.

"I wish the baby had legs so she can kick you" I said playfully

"You mean HE. I got a lil football player in there" he moved to sit in the little space in the chair and started poking my belly

"Babies don't have legs at 14 weeks?" Steve asked. I shrugged, "They probably do"

"I'm sure my baby ain't in there legless" Sam whispered in my ear, making me chuckle. He continued to poke at my 14 week stomach. I was now showing more noticeably.

The realization of me about to be somebody's mama kicked in. We were about to have three babies running around the house.

Three babies that are gonna be the same age...that means birthdays around the same time,
3 sets of terrible two, trifling threes, fuck nah fours, and fight me fives.

"You want the baby to play football?" I asked Sam. He nodded, "My daddy played football, and I did too. I could have went pro"

"I know baby" I rolled my eyes playfully as I remembered him telling me all about his football career, "What if it is a boy and he doesn't wanna play football?"

"He can do whatever he wants" My husband shrugged, "It would be cool for him to play football but I just want him to be happy. That's all. Even if he wants to be in the circus, I'll be somewhere cheering him on"

I smiled, "And what if it's a girl?"

"Again, just want her to be happy."

"What if she wants to be a superhero like her mommies and daddies?"

"Then I'll tell her all my awesome superhero stories while braiding her hair"

I smiled even wider, "you gon' braid her hair?"

"Kenn, you know I know how to braid hair. I always do your cornrows when you get ready to put on a wig" I hit his chest hard as soon as the words escaped him mouth. He loved throwing shade at me.

That did make me think, though. Despite my baby having a white father- they're gonna be black nonetheless. One of their fathers is a black man and their mother is a black woman.

I wish we lived in a world where race truly didn't matter but that's merely a fairytale. Truth is, I'm scared.

I wanna teach all three of our kids the...real world. I want them to be aware of the injustices that POC have dealt with and ARE dealing with. Also, the blatant hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community, and things of that.

They need to know about all the "isms".

As much as I wish we lived in a world where skin color, sexuality, religion, and social class didn't mean a thing....we don't live in that world.

And I want our babies to be good people.

No matter who they date, whether or not they choose to be religious, or what their career
choice will be....I just want them to be good people.

It's important the baby I'm carrying knows their black is beautiful....Their people are powerful.

With me being a darker skinned black woman...I was always told my skin color was a burden.

Something hard to look at..


But now I know just how fucking beautiful I am.

And my kids will know that as well.

"Agnes is here" Loki called out while rushing into the living room

Agnes...the aunt

"Here we go" I mumbled


Sorry for mistakes ❤️

I apologize for my little rant in the chapter but I wanted you all to know that Kenya is one of them mamas who will let her babies know just how gorgeous they are.

Her baby is Thor's but the baby is gonna be a black child nonetheless and she's gonna make sure that baby knows just how powerful and wonderful they are.

Though Wanda's babies won't be POC (spoiler alert; they're not Sam's biological kids) they will make sure to teach ALL the babies about the significance of race in America and make sure they all grow up to love EVERYONE and to speak out against all forms of hate.

They're not gonna learn whitewashed history either, again they wanna make sure their children know the truth.

—————SORRY if that triggers anyone but, especially with me being a black woman, these are things I'm gonna install in my children.

Just because I write interracial stories doesn't mean I'm gonna censor my blackness ❤️ If anything, I'm gonna project it.


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