Eugenia Jill Robinette Krein was born on September 22nd at 8:15am. Eugenia weighed six pounds, three ounces and is eighteen inches long.

Eugenia is named after Ashley's paternal grandmother Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden, who everyone called Mom Mom. Her first middle name is after her maternal grandmother, Jill, while her second middle name is after her maternal grandfather's middle name which is Robinette.

Bonny Jean Naomi Krein was born on September 22nd at 8:17am. Bonny weighed six pounds and is eighteen inches long.

Bonny is named after Ashley's maternal grandmother Bonny Jean Godfrey Jacobs and maternal aunt Bonny Jean. Her first middle name is also after Ashley's maternal grandmother Bonny as well as her maternal grandfather's mothers nickname while her second middle name is after her late aunt Naomi.

Meanwhile back on Marine One, Jill, Joe and Jacob are getting settled into their hour or so flight to Philadelphia, where Ashley and Howard currently live.

Joe is currently holding Jacob on his lap, who is fast asleep in his arms while Jill goes to the bathroom and freshen her hair up before they land.

"Are you having fun, buddy? Yes, you are. Get a nice nap in because your big sissy wants to hold and spoil you rotten. She told me that on the phone yesterday. Yes, yes, yes. Are you excited to meet your niece aka your best friend? I am so excited and so is Mommy." Joe says as he kisses Jacob's cheeks and nose.

Jill walks out of the bathroom and walks out, walking over to Joe and Jacob. Joe is continuing to talk out loud and Jill finds it very cute.

"Who are you talking to?" Jill asks Joe playfully as she rubs his shoulders and kisses his cheek. 

"To Jacob!" Joe says proudly as he rubs Jacob's forehead and smiles down at him.

"He is sleeping, don't wake him up." Jill says softly as she sits across from Joe and Jacob.

"Jilly, he can sleep through anything." Joe says as Jill chuckles with a smile.

Just then Jacob grunts a little in his sleep and wiggles around in Joe's lap causing Joe to chuckle.

"Whatcha doing, bud? Are you having a big dream?" Joe says to Jacob as he softly rubs Jacob's head.

Jill then begins a smell a familiar smell in the air while Joe doesn't seem to notice it at all.

"Does he needs his diaper changed, Joe? I can smell poop." Jill says to Joe, who is still holding Jacob in his arms.

"I don't smell anything." Joe says as he tries to smell what Jill is smelling but he doesn't.

"Well, he needs to be changed anyway. It's been a while since he has been changed. Do you want me to change him?" Jill asks Joe and his shakes his head no.

"No no! I got it! I got it under control." Joe says as he stands up and walks over to a little changing table that the staff got for Jacob for when they go to trips on Marine One. 

Joe then begins to carefully undress Jacob out of his little outfit, trying to not wake him up.

"Don't get his cute onesie messed up. I want Ashley and Howard to see it." Jill says to Joe as she motherly watches on.

"I'm not, I'm not. Jeez Jilly, I know how to take care of a baby. I'm a professional." Joe says playfully to Jill and she chuckles, walking over to Joe and Jacob.

" Joe says playfully to Jill and she chuckles, walking over to Joe and Jacob

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