Start from the beginning

Everyone ate their dinner and were now settled on their quilts like the first day. During the this all process no one glance at anyone all were just looking down and doing their work. All four juniors formed a circle again. “Their moods are worst then we imagined !! We thought at least after hearing about our plan their mood will lift up but...”, Jingyi didn't complete his sentence. Other three nods in agreement. “ Are you sure zizhen this plan will work?”, said Jin ling worryingly. Zewujun tries to break the ice, “How are you all gonna show us future? By some kind of talisman? ”, said zewujun grabbing everyone attention towards him. “Look they are quite curious, I think this will give a nice result ! Trust me!! ", Said zizhen excitingly. “Who told you we are going to show you future by a talisman? Can something like this can really happen? ”, asked Jin ling. “Then, how are you all gonna show us future?”, asked Jiang Cheng in confusion. “Simple by acting,” said Jingyi smiling. Their was a complete silence among the seniors. “You are gonna act like us! This is gonna be fun”, exclaimed nie huisang excitedly but only receive glare from other seniors. Yes ,said Jin ling smiling. And the juniors again formed the circle.

“Okay, so I will be baba and Jin ling you will be a-niang. You can do it right?”, asked Sizhui. “What big deal in that ! obviously I can do that ,” said Jin ling crossing his arms. “Okay then, after that I will be baba and zizhen will be a-niang,” said Jingyi. “Me ? But why ? Jin ling can do sect leader Jiang better than me! ,” argued zizhen. “I know that but, I don't want to suffer from the jealousy of my own brother! As a lan I know how terrifying one lan can be when he is jealous... Look at his face it already dark by just hearing me and young mistress Jin being couple!!” complained Jingyi. Sizhui face was really dark as he was holding Jin ling's hand like he is telling all , that Jin ling is mine!!!. “Sizhui won't kill you for this! After all he is your brother but, if I paired up with you, I don't even know what your “innocent” lover will do with me!!,” said zizhen getting scared. “Why are so, scared of my sang-gege?  First of all he is not here and if you and me won't tell him how will know?” said Jingyi calmly. “That's make sense!! ” , said zizhen. So let do this, said Jin ling.

We are gonna start with wangxian , said Jingyi and sat on his quilt. Everyone was sitting on his quilt except Sizhui and Jin ling they were in center to perform. Sizhui took a deep breath and changed his smiling expressions into expressionless. His stoic face was completely resemble to lan zhan. While Jin ling changes his frowning expression to cheerful smile , like wei wuxian. Everyone literally forgot about evening and we're focusing on them with excitement.
Jin ling ran and hug Sizhui from the back , smiling he softly spoke, “lan zhan! Sizhui pull him in  front and hold him by waist with same expressionless face. Jin ling smiling spoke again, lan zhan! . Mn, spoke Sizhui with same expressionless face. Pfff... haha..hah, except lan wangji all burst in laughter. Both Sizhui and Jin ling ignore them and continued their acting. Lan zhan, am I looking good?, said Jin ling with smirk. Sizhui with same expressionless face, Mn...wei beautiful spoke one word at a time. Jin ling slowly puts his hand on Sizhui neck,and pouting like wei wuxian he spoke , how will I know you saying truth,you can lie too!. Sizhui with the same expressionless face spoke, I wasn't taught to lie in first place, and I can never lie to my wei ying who is my world...Jin ling lightly pushes Sizhui away, My god lan zhan please give me warning before you speak something so sweet,my poor heart can't take it!! he said making a shocked expression. Sizhui again pull him in hug , I will, he spoke. Jin ling hugs him back tightly. “You learn to tease back ,huh! Lan zhan!” said wei wuxian grinning towards him ,lan zhan's ears were red like a tomato but face still expressionless. “That's is the only thing that you are concerned look at your posture!”, said Jiang Cheng making a disgust face. “What wrong in that! We are in love, if you are jealous you can also hug zewujun!”, said wei wuxian smirking. You... Jiang Cheng stop he was embarrassed by just imagining him and zewujun like that!. “You really have a sweet lovelife a-xian,” teases yanli smiling. Jin ling spoke cupping Sizhui face, oh!! lan zhan I forget that I have to go to night hunt with our juniors. Sizhui kisses Jin ling's head and spoke, Mn let's go together! He unsheath his sword and pull Jin ling by his waist and rode on the sword.

Jin ling and Sizhui get down from the sword and bow to tell everyone that their performance is over. “Why it over? We want more!! ”said nie huisang and all other nods their head. “Because we want to complete this before curfew!! Ouch my mouth pain by smiling this much much, ”said Jin ling holding his mouth. Everyone's mood was quite lit up they had a smile on their face specially wei wuxian who was holding hands with wangji he even didn't know since when. Okay so, next up is our Xicheng.... said Sizhui smiling he was also, tried with his expressionless face.  Wow! I'm quite excited for you my dear Shidi, said wei wuxian grinning towards Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng glares towards him , while zewujun was looking forward for their performance. Now, zizhen and Jingyi stands from their quilt to perform. “Jingyi you can do sect leader Jiang the best let me do zewujun please! ” said zizhen. Fine! Said Jingyi.

Jingyi sat in the middle acting like he is busy with papers with a frowned face. Zizhen come and sit next to him smiling brightly and acting like he is putting a tray down . He spoke, wanyin. That all Jiang Cheng was red from head to toe while xichen looked like he was adoring the seen. Jingyi look towards him, Why are you here? Go to your lovely son . Why are you always protecting him ? He is already very spoiled! He said with more frown. Zizhen slowly place his hands on Jingyi hand and then , spoke...My lovely angry lotus, Jingyi is still a child let him enjoy his freedom! And aren't I'm spoiling you  too!“ Omg ,that so sweet!”, exclaimed wei wuxian. Jiang who was no longer looking at the scene by just hearing words felt like his head will explode from embarrassment. Zewujun was smiling and adoring Jiang Cheng cuteness. Jingyi spoke again, There you go again with your sweet talks , these are not gonna work! Zizhen chuckles and act like he has pulled away papers from Jingyi and place his non- existing tray in front of him,I know this always work,my love ! You can be angry on me but why are you angry on yourself? Hmm eat something, please! he said and act like he picked chopsticks and blew food and placed in front of Jingyi's mouth. Awww, everyone except lan brothers and Jiang Cheng exclaimed together.

Jingyi look at zizhen and then hold his hand and turn it to zizhen mouth, you also have not eaten yet! First you eat then I'll eat it....Aww my a-cheng is concerned for me? Said zizhen with puppy eyes. Who is concerned for you? I'm just tensed that if you got sick  I have to take care of you!! said Jingyi acting furious. That doesn't make sense to me at all said zizhen coming face to face with Jingyi with his puppy eyes. Jingyi smiles a little, what I do with you huh? He said and touch his head with zizhen's head. Zizhen carcases Jingyi hair and spoke do nothing just eat!    And then, they both stand up and bow as their performance was over. Everyone was smiling,“my god you have such a sweet husband!!!” Said   wen qing. “Of course, my baba is the best!!”,said Jingyi proudly. While Jiang Cheng was feeling butterflies in his stomach and zewujun was busy adoring him.

Then, after they all acted of Jin zixuan and yanli when he was planting lotus for her in lanling. Then they also acted the bickering of wei wuxian and wen qing over potatoes and radishes on burial mountain, how wen ning cooked food and did work for wei wuxian. Everyone was laughing and smiling forgetting about the pain . And then they all slept as it was the time of curfew. They all had a smile on their face. Zizhen plan was succeeded.....
“Happiness can be find in the darkness only if one knows how to switch on the lights!!” by ALBUS DUMBLEDORE.....


This is the longest chapter I ever wrote😬
Did you all like zizhen idea? Hope, it was able to lift your mood from the past two chapters 😅
Thank you for reading this ❤️

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