Whole Family

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Phil was sharpening Wilbur's trident when he heard Techno's song. He immediately swam right to the outside of the cave. A few minutes later Wilbur joined him.

They didn't have any idea what this meant. Singing was something they do to calm down and enjoy their night. This didn't make any sense.

"What is going on Phil?" Wilbur asked with worry.

"I am not sure, maybe he just wanted to sing while hunting."

"That would make the fish run away, he wouldn't do that. Also we spent centuries with Techno and I barely heard him sing." Wilbur said.

"I know mate, but do you have a better idea?"

Wilbur paused and shook his head. They stayed there for around 10 minutes until Techno's song stopped. Phil was not sure if this was better or worse on their hand. Few more minutes passed and Phil couldn't stay and wait any longer.

"I am gonna go check on him, you stay here." Phil said.

"NO! I am coming too."

"If he comes back we need someone here to know. You can call-" He cut himself off as he saw Techno in the distance. He was slowly swimming towards them.

It was hard to miss him after all. Techno had pink hair and pink scales around him, and he himself was huge. It was impossible to miss him. Phil and Wilbur could blend better in the ocean. Phil had green scales and Wilbur had blue scales.

Both Wilbur and Phil swam towards the pinketie. They calmed down as soon as they saw Techno uninjured.

"What happened, why did you sing-" Wilbur started but Techno shushed him.

"Shh, he is sleeping." He said gesturing something on his hold.

Wilbur's eyes frowned and he got closer to him until he could see what Techno was holding. His eyes widened and he chirped. Wilbur's chirp was thinner than Techno's but still deeper than the pup's.

When he chirped, whatever in Techno's arms chirped too and Phil immediately recognized that chirp. Phil also chirped and there it was, the little chirp again.

He quickly swam towards Techno and looked at the little pup in his arms. It was so cute and so small.

The three looked at each other and to the little pup. There was literally a little miracle in front of them.

"Where did you find him?" Phil asked, who was barely holding his tears.

"Around the coral area. I don't have any idea where he came from." Techno answered.

"He is so cute and tiny. Is this what pups looked like? I don't even remember seeing one." Wilbur said, petting the little one's cheek. The baby purred in his sleep with the contact.

"Yeah, this one is a bit skinny for his age, but he looks healthy other than that." Phil said, reaching for the little pup. "Let me check it from closer though."

He was about to take it from Techno, but Techno didn't let him. He bared his teeth and swam away from Phil.

Phil smiled and tried not to laugh at Techno's reaction, he knew how Techno felt like right now. His instincts must have been screaming at him to protect the little pup. He wondered if they could get the little pup from him at all.

"Instincts are hard on you mate?" Phil said, smiling wide.

"Come on Phil, don't damage my pride." Techno said, swinging his tail in anger.

"What about me? I wanna hold the little pup too." Wilbur whined.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You two might start a fight. Neither of you ever had a chance to control your instincts around pups. If you hold the little pup once, you also won't be able to let go of him." Phil explained.

A Gift From The Ocean (Sleepybois, Mer Au) Where stories live. Discover now