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4 months have passed since Chloes dad attacked Shasta. Chloe and Shasta have grown up and they started flirting but they didn't know it. They fall asleep together on the floor but every night Shasta picks her up and puts her in her own bed. After that Shasta grabs his matress next to her bed in fear that her dad will come back and beat her. One day they where playing around near the woods while the other pups were on a mission and Chloe felt like they watched but she didn't say anything. Then they both heard a noise from the woods. "Whose thewe " Shasta asked. "Your worst nightmare" Chloes dad jumped out from the woods. He ran right after Shasta but Chloe pushed her dad away from him. Chloes dad tried to claw and bite her face but she pushed him away. Shasta bite her dad's right arm. That made him mad he threw Shasta off of him and picked Chloe up and hit her head against a tree. Shasta ran over to her and woke her up then her dad clawed his chest and he got another permanent scar on his chest. Then her dad left. "Chloe we need to leave this place and get away from your dad" Shasta said in pain. Chloe nodded her head with a scared look on her face. DEAR MOM AND DAD CHLOE IS NOT SAFE HERE SO I NEED TO GET HER AWAY FROM THIS PLACE AND HER DAD. I LOVE YOU GUYS BUT ITS NOT SAFE AND SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND I CAN'T LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HER NO MATTER THE RISK. I LOVE YOU GUYS SPENCER AND TOBY I LOVE YOU GUYS TO. Once they got back Everest screamed when she saw the note. Everyone rushed to her. "We need to find them before Johnny does" Everest said in panic. "Who Johnny if he finds them he will kill them" everyone asked. "Johnny is Chloes dad he took me in when me and Rocky left each other for a while I had no were to stay so he made me apart of his pack he taught me how to hunt for food and how to fight I left because 1 what happened to Rocky and 2 he TRIED to rape me so I clawed at his face I'm the only person who has ever done that to him so he's kinda of scared of me but I wasn't there to keep them safe so he must of attacked them when we were on the mission" Everest said. Ok Paw Patrol New mission find Shasta and Chloe

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