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I watched helplessly as David ran after Liam. I wanted nothing more than to follow them and protect my brother, but I knew that I couldn't leave Izzy alone with Jack and the other Hunters. It was that and the fact that the three other Hunters ganged up on me. A hard shove to my back caught me off guard, sending me tumbling to the ground. Once I was down, they proceeded to kick my body.

Three against one. So manly of them.

I wanted to fight back, but there really isn't much I can do when stuck on the ground underneath heavy boots. I managed to grab a foot that was about to kick me and yank it hard, causing that Hunter to fall down to the ground with me. All I received from that pathetic act of fighting back was a hard, well-placed kick to my ribs that left me gasping for air. Tears of pain prickled in the corners of my eyes, but I wouldn't give those sick bastards the satisfaction of it.

Through all of the blows and pain that was inflicted on me, I still tried to look for Jack to make sure he was nowhere near Izzy. Surprisingly, he wasn't joining in on the whole "Let's all hurt Austin!" fun so he had to be around somewhere. Knowing him, Izzy would be his main target.

"Austin!" Izzy cried from what sounded to be a few feet ahead. When I finally saw her, she was running towards me, probably to try and fight off the scumbags. Just before she could reach me, I saw a menacing figure appear behind her. Jack.

"Behind you!" I shouted to her. The Hunters really needed to stop playing dirty.

Izzy spun around immediately with her fist raised and nailed him right in the jaw. Her reflexes were as sharp as always. Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why I don't try scaring her anymore. Getting my nose broken isn't exactly my idea of fun.

Izzy's punch was well-placed, but it wasn't enough to keep Jack out for the count. He recovered quickly- a lot quicker than I think Izzy expected. With hard push from him, she was knocked onto the ground, her dagger slipping from her hand from the impact. She quickly reached out to grab it but Jack was faster, kicking it away from reaching distance while stomping on her fingers for good measure.

Like always, she tried her best cover up her pain but just from the pained muffle of noise she made I knew it was bad. The fingers on her dominant hand were broken; she was now completely and utterly helpless.

"Get away from her!" I screamed, momentarily forgetting about the Hunters around me and trying my best to get to my feet. I barely managed to get to my knees when I received another hard blow, but this time it was different from the previous ones.

After receiving a kick to my back to land, once again, face first into the ground, a heavy boot stomped on my arm with full force, sending me into depths of pain that I've never experienced before. I screamed, no longer being able to hold back the tears. My arm was broken in so many different places, the pain was absolutely excruciating.

Finally pleased with all the pain they had inflicted on me, those sadistic bastards soon moved away from me. I slowly and gently pushed myself with my good arm into a sitting position, clenching my teeth tightly in response to the immense pain that just that slight movement caused.

Izzy and Jack were nowhere to be seen which frightened me. Izzy definitely isn't a force to be reckoned with, but even without her fingers being broken she didn't stand a chance against Jack.

I felt a soft hand land on my shoulder which caused me to spin around, pained groans escaping my mouth from the movement. My eyes grew wide when I saw Izzy behind me, not seeming to have any more injuries except for the broken fingers. Her good hand flew to her mouth in shock when she saw my arm while her hand with the broken fingers hung limply at her side.

Hunted「Book One」Where stories live. Discover now