Chapter 1

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The scene were reveal of a red hair woman had already give birth of a twins babies. Naruto was realize about this will beginning how their parent situation. Everyone were looking at a red woman with a curious on their face except Naruto. Understand of their curious face, Naruto told them. "That's my mother, Uzumaki Kushina. If you saw Namikaze Minato, you already see him, Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke except you kids." Said Naruto as he look at his mother. Boruto was gasp in shock before looking at his grandmother. Kushina was smile to see Minato who looking at their children. Kushina was give her kids to Minato as he hold them with a smile on his face. "Thank you for born, Naruto, Naruko." Said Minato softly before he heard a woman screaming saw a lady dropped on the ground and lost in his attention of his kids as he saw a masked man holding his babies. Naruto and Sasuke were gritted their teeth as they know it was Uchiha Obito. A masked man had a conversation with Minato before he threw his twins make Boruto and Sarada gasp in shock. Minato finally caught both of his babies before disappearing. And the scene had change into a hut which Minato landed as he removed the towel.

Minato had cradled Naruto and Naruko softly before put them to the bed. "I'm so glad that Naruto and Naruko were fine. Seems like they target on Kushina. I will go to save your mother. Just wait, my kids." Said Minato before disappearing. Naruto was look sad as he know what happen to his parent. Hinata had sense Naruto's sadness which she hold his hand in comforting him make him smile. Then Minato come back with Kushina on his arm as he put her on the bed next to their kids. Kushina was smile softly at Minato before looking at Naruto and Naruko. "Thank you, Minato." Said Kushina lowly but Minato doesn't saying anything as he grabbed his jacket and wear it before he leave saying that he will back. Naruto was cried silently as he saw his mother hugging him and his sister. Then Minato reappeared again looking at Kushina before the scene change. They were another memory and saw Kushina kneeled as Minato standing beside her holding Naruto and Naruko. 

Both of them were panting and there was a blood coming out from Kushina's mouth. Behind them were a small distance which be Kyuubi who thrashing to get out from Kushina's chain's jutsu. "I can still do it, Minato." Said Kushina panting as a golden chain come from her body and shoot over Kyuubi holding him into a ground. It make them amaze to see Kushina's abilities. Kushina was started coughing make Minato shout on her. "KUSHINA!" Yelled Minato as he saw Kushina doing something. "I will dray Kyuubi in me... With the remaining chakra I have, I will draw in and I will save you three." Said Kushina smile at Minato make Minato frown in sadness. "No! You had make your man and be the twin's father. You love me so much that I feel grateful but they need you with them." Said Minato firmly make Kushina sigh. "I'm so happy that you love me, Minato. I had already think about our future as a family and all I think was happiness. I can't live with the Kyuubi out from my body. So, it's okay, Minato. My only regret that I can's see Naruto and Naruko grown up together." Said Kushina with a sad smile make Minato let out his tear from his cheek.

Boruto, Hinata, Sakura, Himawari and Sarada were crying silently while Sasuke just silent with sad face. Naruto just hard to control his sadness when he saw Kushina and Minato. "Save your remaining chakra for the reunion with Naruto and Naruko. I will do eight tiagram seal and take the Kyuubi with me." Said Minato firmly still with tear sliding down on his cheek as Kushina protest of it. "If you take the Kyuubi with you, you will~" She had been cut off by Minato. "If you die with Kyuubi then Kyuubi will reappeared again after sometime the power balance will destroyed and the village will suffer. That's why he need a jinchuriki, with the shiki fujin. I will take the half of it with me so that he won't do any damage." Said Minato as Kushina look confusion. "But we need another half jinchuriki of it." Said Kushina simply. "I will seal the other half inside Naruto with eight tiagram seal. Before you said anything, I know what you thinking. It will be difficult for Naruto as he being jinchuriki. But today I realize of something. In that future, that masked man will be a great enemy and will do harm to the shinobi Nation but the person who will defeat him was our children." Said Minato in determination that make Sasuke think if Minato somehow can see the future because everything he said was true. Boruto and Sarada were shocked as they heard it.

Minato seem convince Kushina make her defeated on their argument. Then Minato started use his eight tiagram seal as the same time Kyuubi took advantage of it and shoot the claw at Naruto and Naruko. It make Boruto and Sarada scream call Naruto while a real Naruto was sweat drop at their action. Before that happen, Kushina and Minato were jumped in front of Naruto and Naruko stopping the claw with their body. The claw had pierced through them and stop before touching Naruto and Naruko. The blood sliding from the claw in Naruto's stomach. The whole scene were really hard for Boruto and Sarada. "Didn't I said that... I'm their father... It's my right to die... For them..." Said Minato panting and coughing blood make Sakura ached in pain to see Minato. "Then I'm their mother. It's my right too... And this is the first time that I lost in argument against you. You're so stubborn and  pretty serious. I can't let you die alone, Minato. I love you so much and I will believe in our children." Said Kushina breathing heavily make Hinata upset to see her mother in law in this condition.

" Said Kushina breathing heavily make Hinata upset to see her mother in law in this condition

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"I know. Kushina, it's time to put chakra on Naruto and give a little chakra of Kyuubi to Naruko. Say your farewell." Said Minato softly. Sarada seem like Minato's personality which it remind her of Naruko. "Naruto, Naruko, don't be a picky eater... Eat a lot... Stay warm... Go to the bed timely... Always take a bath... Don't get depressed if you are not smart... Make a lot of friends and respect the teachers... Always remember the three shinobi rules... Stay away from Jiraiya-sensei and don't drink sake before your age... When you started noticed of the people, find someone like your dad or me who always love you... Especially you, Naruko... Please find a man that can be like your father... Be his side and support his decision... Make a good decision for your love life, Naruko... Understand him like I did with your dad... Naruto, Naruko, there will be a lot hard time in front of you which make you suffer much... But don't loose hope, make sure to have a good dream and chase after it... More... I want to be with you... I want to watch you both grown up... Sorry, Minato... I had talked too much..." Said Kushina crying. "No, it's okay, Kushina. Naruto, Naruko, my advice to you were everything your nagging mother said. And one thing, Naruko, Naruto. You both have to stay together and protect at each other. You won't be alone since you both stay together... I love you, Naruko, Naruto." Said Minato before he seal it. 

After the sealed completed as Kyuubi enter into Naruto's body, Minato and Kushina's body dropping on the floor with a thud. Third Hokage was come and picked the twins. "So you are Naruto and Naruko. Don't worry, Minato. I will take care of your child." Said Hiruzen in sadness tone. The Anbu were taking care of the place before the memory faded. Hinata, Sakura, Boruto and Sarada were cried hard to see how their death. Naruto was silent as he know the beginning of their life were hard than other people. Sasuke was patted Naruto's shoulder to comfort him which make Naruto relief. "I'm fine, Sasuke. I know it was hard for me to see my parent's death like this but I already accept it. Thanks, Sasuke." Said Naruto which make Sasuke nodded his head. Sarada was wipe her tear after knowing how hard of Naruto and Naruko's life. Boruto also understand it too. Naruto had hugging Hinata which Sasuke did a same thing to Sakura. "It was awful to see their parent's death like this. I can't imagine how hard Naruko and Naruto's life." Said Sakura sadly which make Sasuke comfort her. He know that Sakura need it. Sasuke seem thinking that there will show another memory so they have to get ready for it.

"I know that. Guess that we have to get ready in the next memory of Naruko." - Sasuke

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