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"Naruto! I had already told you that I don't want to get married in my life. Can't you just let me decide myself? I don't want to married with anyone! Stop setting me with other man, Naruto!" Said a red hair woman name Uzumaki Naruko. She look furious at her twin brother for set her up with a man that she doesn't know. Naruto was sigh as he get a family dinner with Uchiha's family and invite Naruko to have a dinner together with them. "So, what? You want to stay single of all your life, Naruko? Everyone were already married! You're the only one who left, Naruko! I want to see you get married. Can't I see my sister get married and have her own happiness, Naruko?" Said Naruto stubborn looking at Naruko. Naruko was sigh tiredly at Naruto before she stand up from her seat. "Naruto, this is my life. If I want to stay single of all my life, I don't care about it. You don't have to set me up with a random guy, Naruto. You're just waste time because all I did is to reject them. So stop doing that and focus on your family, Naruto. I had to leave and back to Uzushiogakure. I have a business there. See you again, Naruto." Said Naruko as she had shunshine herself without listen of Naruto.

Naruto was sigh as he didn't stop her from leaving his house. Sasuke was silent all the time before he break it. "I had told you before this is a bad idea to set her up with other man. She need to find a man that she love by herself but seem useless as she don't care about the man, Naruto." Said Sasuke as he sip his drink slowly make Naruto silent. Sakura was look at Naruto disbelief in her face. "You're still doing that, Naruto? Oh, come on. It's already 10 times you did and all she did just reject it. Can you stop force Naruko, Naruto?" Said Sakura with a scowl on her face. She was understand of Naruko who don't like to set up with another man. Hinata seem worry which she speak. "I'm sure that Naruto worry about Naruko, Sakura. Beside he just want to see Naruko be happy and have a family." Said Hinata softly as she look at her husband. Naruto seem relief to have Hinata by his side. "Even so, Otosan should not set Naruko-san with another man. It's her life." Said Boruto as he understand of his aunty.

Sarada seem think of something before she look at them. "I have one conclusion about this. It's weird actually. What if her situation same like Tsunade? I had heard about Tsunade lost her lover in a past. What if Naruko-san lost someone in the past?" Said Sarada which caught their attention. Naruto was seem frown at Sarada's conclusion. "Lost someone she love like Tsunade-Obacchan? That's no way, Sarada-chan. If she does, I should know about it. Besides, she's my twin sister after all." Said Naruto as he denied it. Sarada was shook her head before continue it. "What if Naruko-san hide a secret from you, Naruto-san? Maybe she not telling something to you. She must have a secret that she not telling you, Naruto-san. Same to Kaa-san and Otosan." Said Sarada which make them silent thinking about Naruko. Sasuke had look at Sarada. "What make you think that, Sarada?" Said Sasuke lowly. Sarada just thinking about how Naruko treat them. "Because the way she treat me, Boruto and Himawari like a mother. She was care of us like a mother and not as aunty. She seem have an experience raising kids. Don't you think so?" Said Sarada in thoughtful make them shock.

Before Naruto answer her, a light was surrounding them make them lost their alert. They were bring to the dimension. They were look confuse as they look a white dimension before a person come out. It was a white hair woman with her green eyes standing in front of them. They were prepare to fight but stop as a white woman chuckle at them. "There's no need to attack because I won't. I have bring you guys here for something else." Said a woman which make Naruto frown looking at her. He was speak at her. "What is it? And who are you?" Asked Naruto as he look serious. "My name is Akiko. I come here to show you about someone's memory, Uzumaki Naruto." Said Akiko gently. It make them shock to heard that. "Memory? Who are you talking about?" Said Boruto in confuse tone. Sarada was think about something before she asked her. "Are you going to show a memory of Uzumaki Naruko, right?" Said Sarada make them gasp in shock except Akiko who smile softly at Sarada.

"Yes, Sarada. I was going to show a memory about Uzumaki Naruko. How her life was going to make her like this. And how she keep her secret from her twin brother and her friends especially Sasuke. How she convince Kakashi, Tsunade, Shizune and Jiraiya to keep her secret from her precious person." Said Akiko to give them a hint about Naruko. Naruto was gasp as he heard that. "What do you mean Naruko keep a secret from us, Akiko-san? What a secret that she hiding for? And why would Kakashi-sensei, Tsunade-Obacchan, Jiraiya-ero sannin and Shizune keep Naruko's secret?" Said Naruto as he ask her. Sasuke was also look at Akiko. "And why she keep a secret from me?" Said Sasuke simply. Akiko just smile softly at them. "I will answer you when you go into her memories. So, do you really want to see Uzumaki Naruko's life and her secret?" Said Akiko which make them look at each other. Naruto had saw his family and Sasuke's family look at him with agreement on their face make Naruto look at Akiko. "Yes, we're ready. I want to find a truth why Naruko refuse to have her own family. Please show us of Naruko's memory, Akiko-san." Said Naruto in determine face. Akiko just smile before she nodded her head.

"Well then. Get ready to see her memory. Before that, I will tell you. Whenever you inside her memory, there no one will hear or see you. Even you can't touch them. Because this is a memory. Then, let's begin." - Akiko

Uchiha-Uzumaki Naruko - (Itachi love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant