6:30 am

Mr. Woo-bin already finished breakfast as the boys are still eating...

Someone at the door knock , mr.woo-bin open the door then he saw the doctor who CT scan Lisa with 3 nursed and 2 doctor "plss come in" mr.woo bin said as they enter they saw the boys eating "sorry for the mess" mr.woo bin said as the boys notice some people the immediately bow and greet them "good morning" they all said the same time.

"So mr.woo bin they are the team who will operate for Lisa and this is doctor park" he said as he  introduced them to mr.woo bin "doctor park is one of the best surgeon and the co owner of this hospital"he said....


As we enter the room I saw 10 boys eating peacefully as they noticed us they immediately bow and greet us "good morning" at the same time.

I am now checking the patient, I checked her clip board

Sex: female

Relatives:Kim woo-bin

I ask the nurse who write this and why

"It's a family matters and we don't want to risk her life "
One of the boys said,as the nurse said what the boy say to her.

As I was reading I saw the reasons why she needs a surgery.

*skull fractured
*Bleeding in the brain (brain hemorrhage or brain bleed)

I enter the operating room

After 10 hours....

I exit the OR,I saw them Approaching me...

"How is she" mr.woo bin ask

Woo-bin Pov

As I saw doctor park exit the OR I immediately approach her
"How is she"i ask
"we almost lost her but she is a fighter,but she is in a coma" she said "why?" I ask
"Because of the strong impact  when the accident happened her brain was totally traumatized " she replied " how many days before she woke up?"I ask "we don't know a her case maybe 2-4 months" she said "I will take my leave now" she said

Jennie Pov

I'm here a the house scrolling through my phone then an idea came up to me I call dad "dad can I have a favor?" I ask "sure what it is??"he reply "can I have a pool party here a the house it's only me and the gang no one else?" I said "sure"dad reply "really dad thank you very much love you"I said "love you too have fun"
he said as he ended the call  reply.

Then I left a chat at the GC  saying we are having a pool party.

Then I left a chat at the GC  saying we are having a pool party

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