Chapter 35 - Worst Day

ابدأ من البداية

Brandon: "Yeah"

Manu: "If something happens call me then okay?"

Brandon: "I'll be fine. I promise"

Manu: "Okay... then bye sweetie"

He then kisses my cheeks.
I only ignored his kiss and went outside.

POV Manu:

Ugh cmon hang up....

Bar: "Manu I can't I'm at school!"

Manu: "Something is wrong with Brandon"

Bar: "What? What do you mean?"

Manu: "He had a nightmare like he screamed"

Bar: "That's normal everyone has that"

Manu: "No you didn't heard his scream.. and I kissed him and like didn't even looked at me or smiled he then just went outside. he never was like that before"

Bar: "Hm weird... did you maybe said something to him that makes him act like that?"

Manu: "No not at all"

Bar: "Wait.. I can see him coming. Oh my god.. he doesn't look good. He looks sick...."

Manu: "Yeah.. can you try to watch out for him?"

Bar: "Of course he's my best friend don't worry"

Manu: "Would he still be your best friend if he knows the secret?"

Bar: "..."

She hanged up on me-
I hope she won't tell Brandon anything about what happened...
Or things can go incredibly bad..

POV Brandon:

I feel like I have to throw up..
ugh that fucking nightmare really made me sick..




I look to the right side and a car was right coming into my direction.
I quickly ran away from the street.

Bar: "Oh my god Brandon are you okay??"

Brandon: "Y-Yes.. thank you"

Bar: "Are you sure? Your face looks so white and you look tired"

Brandon: "I said I'm fine. Now leave me alone"

Bar: "Wh-"

Ugh she really think she can manipulate me?
I wish I would've went to my Apartment instead going to school..
I feel so dizzy...

*school rings*

Ugh damn that's so loud..
I went slowly into my class and only starred into my desk..
The teacher already started to talk but I can't focus..
my mind is so full.. god it feels like my brain is being ripping apart..

Bunna: "Hey.. are you okay?"


Everyone suddenly turns around and stares at me.
Oh shit... I screamed...

Brandon: "B-Bunna I'm sorry i didn't want to..."

Oh no.. no no no.... I feel like i have to.. oh fuck..
I stand up and ran into the bathroom.

*15 minutes later*

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