"I'm heading to bed, try not to have loud phone sex, I'm exhausted," Rhett says standing up.

"Shut the fuck up," I call after him, flipping him off. He walks off laughing.

"I see the conversation went well," Genevieve laughs.

"He's just being an idiot," I shrug.

"So did you pick a movie?" She asks with a smile. Her fucking smile calms me the fuck down and I have no idea how I'm about to tell her that Caleb Hale switched our weekly family dinners because he saw some stupid picture from a gossip account, I know Genevieve doesn't get intimidated by me but she definitely will with dad.

"Seb?" She asks lowering her glass.

I blink and shake my head "sorry, no Rhett distracted me."

"Well," Genevieve sighs and I watch her move around her room, she falls onto her bed. "How about a classic?" She asks.

"What are you suggesting?" I ask.

"Hunger Games, that's a great classic movie," she tells me propping her arm up on a pillow.

"Ahh, so you're a dystopian junkie huh?" I asked picking up my laptop and walking over to my bed.

"Umm excuse you," she scoffs "the dystopian movies we got were the best era of movies, they don't make movies like them anymore."

"That's because dystopian books aren't as popular anymore," I point out and she flips me off, I almost allow myself to smile.

"Whatever Grinch, are we watching or what?" She asks and I nod, I share the Netflix party link to Genevieve as Imogen yells out a goodbye.

"Where is she going?" I ask her boyfriend we start the movie.

"Pizza run, she's such a night owl and often gets hungry during the night," Genevieve shrugs leaning down on her bed more.

"Ready Cindy?" I ask her and she hums with a smile and I press my space bar, the movie loading up. I'm not immune to the whole Hunger Games and Maze Runner obsession, Penny would read them especially when she was in the hospital and I guess I won't lie and say they are pretty good books.

I'm also not surprised that halfway through the movie when Katniss is running through the forest that Genevieve fell asleep, she looked fucking tired even before we started doing our homework together. I pause the movie and answer the boy's group chat, Spencer was mad I didn't play with them on the Xbox, I snap a picture of my laptop and tell him I was doing homework.

I text Imogen telling her to shut down Genevieve's laptop when she gets back from her pizza run, I glance at my laptop screen and I actually smile. Genevieve was asleep on her side, she looked so calm in her sleep, and seeing her asleep even through a laptop screen I suddenly feel overwhelmed that this girl, actually fucking exists and despite her own demons she's a ray of light.

I shake my head and sigh, I notice her defined cheekbones and my eyes narrow, she's relatively a skinny girl and her eating disorder probably doesn't help that but it surprised me that people don't realize how her cheekbones are so defined and cheeks hollow in, that's not normal.

I bring my laptop to my lap and sigh again, "Night Cindy," I say before ending the FaceTime call. I stand up from my bed and begin to clear my desk off.

"Seb?" A soft voice calls.

"Yeah?" I answer shoving my textbooks back into my bag, my door opens wide and Penny steps in, she's wearing sweatpants and one of my old high school hoodies. "What's up?"

She sighs as she stands in my doorway "can I sleep here?" She sighs. I nod and she steps in closing the door. It's not uncommon for Penny to sleep in my room, I usually end up taking the couch I have in my room. She fears that she is going to get nightmares of her incident, it was generally worse when she was in the hospital recovering.

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