"brave is he"

617 61 61

the vessels had changed
they showed pride and envy
anger and hatred
neglecting the balance
endangering the balance
had mother made a mistake, creating them?
had the new world remolded them in its image?
had they become human?


Minho pulls up to Jisung's house on Saturday evening. He's been looking forward to this since they spoke, especially considering what followed. His father would be subtly indignant if he knew Minho was here. Just knowing that makes him all the more excited. Determined, in an odd way. To be cordial, to be understanding. The opposite of his father.

The house is modest, chipped yellow paint job, clouded and curtained windows — but the air around it, it's simply alive. The bright green grass is speckled with flowers, like the sun has given it special attention. Minho follows the moss-covered walkway and knocks on the front door. He hears someone yell "Nini, turn off the TV!" and then Jisung is flinging the door open, greeting Minho with a big smile. Ah. Maybe it's his smile that has the flowers so happy.

"Hi," Jisung says. "How are you?"

"I'm great. Shoes on or off?"

"Off, house rules. Leave them next to the others."

Minho shuffles off his shoes and leaves them beside a couple pairs of flip-flops and slippers. Being inside the house is different than looking at it. The air feels different. So easy and light, his lungs might float into his mouth.

"So." He holds up a box of saltwater taffy. "Is this okay?"

"She'll probably adopt you on the spot."

Minho laughs. "That's fine with me."

Jisung leads him into a room off the hall. An old lady is wrapped in blankets on the bed. At first glance, she seems sickly, absent, but as she meets Minho's eyes, her face lights up. Minho smiles; she and Jisung look alike in their crinkly, welcoming eyes.

"Grandma, this is my friend Minho," Jisung says.

"Oh yes, we're acquainted." She winks at Minho. "How are you, dear?"

He holds out the box of taffy. "Thank you for having me, ma'am."

She grabs the box, jaw dropping. She looks up at Minho and reaches out with one hand. He takes it.

"You are welcome here any time, Minho, understood?"

"Thank you, ma'am."

"No more ma'ams, please, call me Nini. That's what family calls me."

"Okay, ease up a bit," Jisung says, embarrassed.

"Oh hush, Little, it's not like I'm trying to steal him from you."

She giggles, girlish; Minho laughs too.

"Alright, tour now?" Jisung says, pulling on Minho's arm. Minho says goodbye to Nini and follows Jisung out of the room.

"She's lovely," he says.

"She's... eager. She's lost her filter in old age. Anyway, back to the tour. We clearly have a lot of ground to cover."

"After you."

"Thank you." Jisung takes one step forward and points at each of the doors. "Kitchen, basement, bathroom, living room, my room, Nini's room... and we're done."

"Show me more."

"What do you want to see?"

Minho thinks on it for a second. "Show me... something you hoped you wouldn't have to show me."

oblivion ; minsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora