Tears start to form in her eyes 'I love you too'

'HEY! they said, leave them alone' I look behind the squids to see Adam, Ty, roisin and kellie.

Roisin and mitch aims their bows at one of the squids and shoots it right in the head.

Ty runs up to another one and stabs him while kellie does the same to another one.

I hardly notice what's happening to megan as I'm too busy looking at them killing the squids.

Roisins eyes go wide. 'Tyler...' she points behind me.

I turn around slowly.

Nikki stands there with a sword against Megan's throat.

'Unstoppable? I don't think so'

'Nikki. just... Stay calm' I try to step forward but she just pulls Megan further away from me.

'Roisin. give me a bow' I say.
She steps towards me and hands me the bow and arrow.

'Go ahead, shoot me' Nikki says.
'But if you do... you could shoot her' she smirks.

I aim the bow,my hands trembling.

'Tyler. be careful' Adam warns me.

Nikki hides behind Megan.
'Yeah Tyler. be careful'
'Shut up...' I say.

'What? are you worried you'll hurt her?'
'I said , SHUT UP'

'Put the bow down and she'll be fine' she says.
'Tyler' Megan says 'don't trust her'

'Put the bow down...' she repeats herself.

I obey and very slowly place the bow on the ground.

'Now, let her go' I say.

Josh's POV

I run as fast as I can to get away from the squids.
How did he find out I was still working with them?

I need to hurry. I said I'd help Megan if anything bad happens.

I run into the room filled with machines.

'Now, let her go' Tyler says.

I see that girl, Nikki push Megan towards Tyler.
Tyler immediately hugs her.

'Aaw, how cute' Nikki says 'not trying to ruin the moment or anything... but this still isn't over'

"what do you want with us?" Megan asks.

They still don't notice that I'm here, except for Kellie.She glances at me and looks around the room.

I follow where she's looking to see a bow on the ground, "pick it up. I'll distract her" she mouths to me.

I see her take Mitch's bow and aim it at Nikki. "Are you gonna answer the question or am I gonna have to shoot you?" she says.

Nikki looks shocked and takes a step back. "Kellie, what are you doing?" Adam asks.

"don't worry" she says "I know what im doing"

I quietly walk over to the bow and arrows and pick it up, I turn around so that I'm behind Nikki.

"You don't have the guts to shoot me" she steps towards them. "Maybe not, but I do" i say.

She turns around to face me and I fire the arrow.

Kellie's POV

I watch as she falls to the ground, the arrow sticks out of her back. We all stand in shock as Josh steps forward.

Sucked into the game. {Completed}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat