Boyfriend Yakuza! Shanks x Teacher! Chubby Reader

Start from the beginning

"It's the other Yakuza group I fought last year.....I cannot involve you guys any further. This is my business now, Ryuichiro-san, your granddaughter is safe in my hands, her boyfriend's hands. Oi kid, let's get going where your friend is first, (Y/N) will scold me if I did not take you two home"I said and grabbed the kid as he nodded then said goodbye to Ryuichiro-san and the others, I drove to where (Y/N)'s student is and the students pleaded to come with me. I sighed and just nodded. I called Luffy's friend who knows where that yakuza group is, Franky, he is a technician of robots. 

"Zoro, where is the yakuza group at?"I asked over the phone while Sawada was watching me

"Luffy can't stay still and went straight ahead of you guys but you can still catch up to him in a shortest way, I'll send the details"Franky said as I nodded and smiled

"If they dare to touch my woman, I'd kill them right off the bat"I said and hanged up then everyone in the car was surprised when they knew that I called (Y/N) my woman. Anyways, we arrived at the abandoned school, I was surprised to see my old classmates back when I was in middle school, Buggy. 

"Buggy what a surprise!"I said as Buggy was clicking his tongue

"Surprise it is, Shanks"Buggy said as I looked at him and he was holding my woman, she was panting really hard. 

"Yangumi!"those students said as I sighed and (Y/N) looks at us

"You guys shouldn't be here!"(Y/N) said and I nodded while looking at the students, 

"They insisted on coming with me, anyways Buggy, let my beloved person go"I said and he laughed

"Do you think you can run away with me being obedient to you after this whole clown business thing?!"he asked as I looked at him

"Oh? I thought you like it though?"I asked and he quarreled with me. 

"HUHHH? You think I like it?! I don't!"Buggy said as I smiled

"Ohhh, BUGGY! NICE SHOW EARLIER!"I heard Luffy and the others say, I didn't need back up but I just wanted to have (Y/N) back

"Luffy, keep the kids safe! I'll handle Buggy!"I said and Luffy pouted

"No Shanks, I wanna beat the boss! Who is it anyways?!"Luffy asked and I sighed

"It's Buggy, I just need to get (Y/N) out of here"I said and Luffy nodded then smiled

"We will back you up, Shanks!"Luffy said as the kids looks at us merely they don't know what the hell is going on. 

"Nami! Brook! Keep the kids safe!"Luffy said and then everyone nodded while we went to save (Y/N), after that whole fiasco thing. Me and (Y/N) took home the kids, her students. 

"Now they know where I came from, this is a lot harder than I thought"(Y/N) said and I hugged her

"I'm sure the kids will understand and be there for you, they won't sell you out"I said and (Y/N) sighed

"We haven't been that much close, I'm sure Kuma or Sawada will understand but I don't know with the others"(Y/N) told me while I kissed her temple

"Trust me, I assure you, you will not be expelled due to your students selling you out. I can tell they were amazed by you"I told her while she looks at me and smiled then she kissed my cheeks

"You are quite the calm one, honey"(Y/N) said and I smiled

"I should be calm, when you are frantically and overthinking that you might be expelled. As your boyfriend, I should be calm"I said and she smiled, the next day, (Y/N) forgot her chopsticks so I brought it on school, apparently, none of the students or even teachers don't know anything about me. I saw a guy with a weird hairstyle and he has a assistant

"Excuse me, where is the room of (Y/N) Yamaguchi?"I asked and they both looked at each other while the guy with the weird hairstyle told me to follow suit. We reached to a classroom, well an abandoned classroom, all of the deliquents are here huh? The Head Teacher coughed and told (Y/N) that she has a visitor, she looks at me with that glare on her eyes, I am dead. 

"You forgot your chopsticks, hon"I said and she blushed as she got me by the hand and walked out

3rd Person's POV

All students went wide eyed except for the other five, knowing their teacher has a boyfriend

"I thought I told you that you won't go here?"(Y/N) asked Shanks who sighed

"Luffy and the others can't go since they have classes, and you will only scold them. Tetsu and the others can't go as well. I only made an appearance as your boyfriend which is true"Shanks said as (Y/N) sighed and the two talked

"I didn't knew Yangumi has a boyfriend"some students said as The Head Teacher blinked

"For such a big woman, she has some guts"he said as Sawada looks at him and he got scared and runs away

'I guess Yangumi is not for me then, I'm starting to like her more than just a student' Sawada thought and unknowingly to the students, (Y/N) and Shanks kissed behind the classroom. 

"I'll see you later, love~"Shanks said as (Y/N) blushed and nodded

"See you later too, Shanks"(Y/N) said and smiled


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