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    Snowfox hated these meetings. She hated this alliance. Why couldn't the IceWings just be independent from the other tribes? They didn't need these complicated treaties and organizations to prove they were a strong tribe. When she was queen, she'd put an end to this nonsense with the NightWings.

When I'm queen.. Oh, the words were like music to her ears. How desperately Snowfox wanted to be queen, how she wanted to sit on that throne and give orders to her subjects. Nobody telling her what to do, and certainly not her mother.

Killing Mother will be the easiest part of my aspiration. Snowfox thought, snorting inwardly.

Her train of thought was interrupted as a trio of dragons caught her eye.

Two NightWings — who she assumed were mother and daughter — and one gray-blue IceWing whom she recognized as her cousin, Prince Arctic. He grabbed the younger NightWing's talons in his, almost making Snowfox gag (and by the looks of it, the NightWing's mother was about as thrilled about the action as Snowfox was).

The young NightWing turned away (thankfully) and started walking towards one of the entrances to the visiting chambers when her mother held up something and barked at her. She grabbed it and started to head back in and blah, blah, blah.. Snowfox was losing interest in this situation.

She was about to move on when she noticed the NightWing glance gloomily at something farther away.

Snowfox followed her gaze and noticed a brooding silver dragon glaring at the NightWing by a nearby wall. Amused, Snowfox slunk towards her.

She sat next to the IceWing and started talking suddenly, startling the dragon and causing her to tense up.

"My, my, my, wasn't that an interesting interaction."

The other dragon whipped her head around to face her, and Snowfox realized she had only one circle on her necklace.

Shoot.. I really thought I was picking on a dragon that didn't play a part in our society... She recognized this dragon — Snowflake, one of the nobles who lived in the outer parts of the palace; engaged to Prince Arctic.

The dragon dipped her gray-green head politely (though not politely enough considering she was bowing to a princess, but Snowfox let it slide), "Please accept my apologies, for I do not recognize your face. I hope I am not bringing great dishonor upon my family."

Yeesh, that was a little too much. Snowfox thought, trying not to make a face.

"No, we haven't met yet," She said instead, nodding back at Snowflake, "I'm Snowfox."

Her gray eyes relaxed as she seemed to recognize the name.

So, someone knows names around here. Snowfox thought of how annoying it was reminding Arctic of who she was for the millionth time in a row.

She smiled at the other IceWing, "Snowfox and Snowflake — we're either destined to be terrible friends or terrible enemies, aren't we? Let's avoid any confusion; you may call me Fox."

    Snowflake tilted her head teasingly, "Certainly, as long as you never call me Flake."

    Snowfox laughed — genuinely laughed — for the first time in what seemed like years, "I'm sure you're anything but! It must take a very cunning dragon to ensnare the talons of Prince Arctic." She replied, glancing at the NightWings briefly with narrowed eyes.

    "I promise you, the only cunning dragon involved in this plan is the queen," Snowflake assured her obliviously, "I take no credit for the match."

    "Then true love with a handsome prince just fell into your talons?" Snowfox said slyly, "You must be the happiest dragon in the Ice Kingdom."

    "I am so lucky," Snowflake said with a hint of sarcasm, "He's very... charming."

    Their eyes slid over to Arctic, who was in one of his worse moods; grunting and moaning at everyone and everything. Snowfox didn't understand how anyone could stand him.

    She brought her attention back to Snowflake, "I'm sure there are many other dragons who would love to be in your scales." She gestured faintly at the gathered NightWings.

    "Naturally," Snowflake said. "Who wouldn't want to marry a prince and watch their daughters fight to the death for the throne?"

     Ouch. Was that a jab at me? "Well. True love. Right?"

    "Indeed. True love."

     Arctic snatched the last bright green drink from a passing tray and stared into it gloomily.

    "He's contemplating his noble reflection in the ice cubes," Snowflake said with a straight face.

    Snowfox clapped her talons around her snout to late to cover a loud snort. Several dragons turned to stare at her, but she was too amused to care.

     "Silvery moons," she said when she'd recovered the power of speech and everyone was ignoring them again, "You have a depth of dark water below your ice, don't you?"

     "Only for my greatest friends... and most terrible enemies," Snowflake looked into Snowfox's dark eyes.

     "Now I'm quite sure which one I'd rather be." Snowfox tipped her head thoughtfully. This dragon.. fascinated her. More than anything else ever had. She wanted to get to know her at once.

    But.. she also had another plan in mind...

    "Do you know what will happen if you don't end up having daughters with Prince Arctic?" Snowfox changed the subject smoothly.

     "I miss out on the tremendous fun of watching my mother-in-law rip them apart?"

     "That," said Snowfox, "Also, only one dragon is left to challenge Diamond for the throne."

    Snowflake's eyes lit up, "You."

     Snowfox tipped her head modestly, "Me."

     "It seems... that you and I have some mutual goals."

     "Isn't it wonderful to meet a dragon who's a kindred spirit?" Snowfox said, folding her spotted tail over Snowflake's silvery green one, "I have a few ideas.. if you're interested."

    "Whatever you say, I'll always be listening."

     The two IceWings bent their heads together, whispering, as the gale built into a howling snowstorm outside.

(DISCONTINUED) Depth Of Dark Water - FoxflakeWhere stories live. Discover now