Chapter 16: Repairing

ابدأ من البداية

I'm leaning against the wooden door frame of the bathroom with a faint smirk on my face. To be honest he looked like a corpse who's just dug himself out of his own grave.

"I think you drank too much"

"Oh shut up."

He started gagging again.

"Are you good?"

" I will be in a second"

" Well then, I'm gonna go get you a towel and some clothes, so you can shower"

"Thanks, Dream"

I went to the closet just outside the bathroom and grabbed him a towel. Then, I went to my room and got a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie he can borrow.

I set the stuff on the counter and then went to go get myself ready.

15 minutes later I was ready and sitting back downstairs in the kitchen waiting for Sapnap.

It's about 11:30 and Sapnap finally came downstairs. I handed him some coffee and some random cereal we had laying around for breakfast.

After Sapnap finished we went up to my room.

He sat on my bed as I sat on my gaming chair on the opposite end of the room.

"I don't remember A lot of last night"


"Hey, don't judge my party habits"

I rolled my eyes.

"Well what do you remember"

"I remember everything up until halfway through truth or dare"

"Does that include Karls dare?"

"Yes, I think which one"

"The one where he kissed you on the cheek"

He blushed instantly.

"Yes, I do. Was there anything else?"

I think back to what happened to both dares George had. I was visibly disappointed when my thoughts circled back to when George was kissing that Lukas dude.


I said hesitantly. Sapnap picked up instantly at my disappointment.

"Dude what happened with George"

"How did you know it was about George"

"Don't know man, you just have different look on your face"

"Okay, so you know that I like him and that I'm the one sending the notes"

"Yep, what did he do"

"He kissed some random dude"

"Oh, so it's just jealousy. I can't help you with that man"

"No, it's not. It's just he literally met him that night"

"Dream, you're jealous"

"Okay, maybe I am. But, still"

"No, you are"


There was silence for a few minutes, my mind drifted off to everything that happened between us. Either as friends or not. More specifically to the day that George and I argued over the stupidest thing on the planet.

*Flashback ( After the argument)

I sat on the floor of the bathroom, feeling shame and guilt about everything that had just come out of my mouth. I skipped both my block one and block two class to avoid Sapnap.

Notes with a smile on it // dnfحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن