Rafa Palmer

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Betos Pov

I was at a class with my students when suddenly Pablo came in ..... it was probably to let them meet the old studio celebrity.....Rafa Palmer. I found it okey of course .....he has always looked nice. Then after Pablo, Rafa Palmer came in .... arm in arm with Angie.
He was flirting with her ALL the time AND SHE WAS GIGGLING !!!!!! I hate him !!!! He is paying more attention at Angie than at the kids !!! i am not jealous but i am just ..... angry at him for flirting with Angie ..... okey maybe i am a bit jealous!!!

Pablos Pov

I am getting tired of that Rafa Palmer ..... and they worst is that it looks like Angie likes that he is flirting with her ..... What does he have that i dont ???

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Rafa Palmer was looking for Angie again but she was hiding .... She was tired of him flirting with her, she just wanted to be his friend .....

- Aaaaaanngggieee????- she heard Rafa yell

She saw Gregorio and hide behind him.

-What are you doing ???- He asked shocked
- I am sorry its Rafa !!- Angie whispered
- Oh okey you can hide as long as you want !!!- Gregorio said with a smirk.
When Rafa was away Angie got up and hugged him.
- Thanks !!!- she said with a smile looking in to his eyes- But i have a class now so bye!!!!
Gregorio didnt day anything he just stood paralyzed and watched her walk away.

__________ Home_______________

The door bell rang and German opened it ....was some guy he didnt know.
- Hello, can i help you ???- He said polite.
- Yeah i am looking for Angie!!! I am Rafa Palmer dont you see ???
- Never heard of it !!!- German said now grumpy, what did he want from Angie??- And what do you want from Angie ??? - he asked.
At that moment Angie came in, Rafa walked passed German and hugged her. German could feel the jealousy in him self grow.
- Rafa now isnt a really good time i have class!!!- Angie said quickly
- Yeah she has !!!- And with those words he put Rafa Palmer out side.
- Who was that ???- German asked a bit annoyed.
- Nobody .... Why ..??are you jealous German ???- Angie asked with a smirk
- N-no!!- German answered unsure
- He is my boyfriend !!!- Angie said with a cheeky smile.
- WHAT ????!!!- German said completely shocked.
- Just kidding !!- Angie said wile she walked in to the kitchen , then she picked her head around the corner and said :
- But you were jealous !!!- then giggled and walked away

I am so sorry for the rubbish chapter next one will be better !!!

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