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A pretty brunette girl peered out the window at the mundane passing palm trees and buildings. The view would have been a nice one to someone who hadn't been so used to seeing it daily. This is why tourists are a thing. But to those who lived in this state, which was thought to be a paradise to most of the rest of the country and the ideal place for vacation nationally, it was just plain old home.

Tourism, however, had taken a blow with this insane heatwave sweeping the country, instead of lost-looking travelers with cameras plastered to their hands it was only the locals that seemed to be out and bout the last few weeks. The young woman dug around in her tight shorts pocket for her mp3 player, needing music to help pass the time.

The bus ride from home always took a good ten minutes to arrive. Her favorite rock band blared in her ears, drowning out the chatter of the other students sitting behind her. There was an art shop she always liked to watch the pass, given they updated the window art weekly, just something different and new to look at. This time they had paintings of horses running over the beach in the biggest panel, looked almost like a photo.

The gallery quickly passed by and there was a couple in the alleyway behind it, she only saw briefly, but she was sure there were two women up against the building's wall passionately kissing...

She turned in her seat trying to confirm what she'd just seen, she thought one of them had their shirt ripped open, exposing their bare chest. Surely that wasn't the case, this was broad daylight, and people just don't do that, do they?

"What's wrong with you, Sarah? You look like you saw a ghost." her friend giggled, poking her shoulder.

"Nothing... I thought I just saw some lesbians..." she said, crinkling her nose a little.

"Oh come on, you aren't on about that again, are you? You're such a homophobe." her other friend chided applying lipstick in the seat next to her.

"I'm not a homophobe! I just think it's gross, that's all."

"Which... Makes you a homophobe," she answered, rubbing her lips together making the lipstick even.

"Whatever, if not liking it makes me homophobic, so be it. -I'm just worried about that virus." Sarah said, pulling out her earbuds, resolved to listen to her friend's mild banter. It was better than hearing the same damn songs on repeat anyway.

"You mean the 'lesbian virus' they keep talking about on the news? Come on Sarah, if Trump has anything right at all, it's that fake news is a thing. You can't seriously believe there's a flu that turns people into raging lesbo's." her friend said raising her eyebrows in mock fear at the last bit, she moved on to do her mascara.

"Yeah, like, the whole bird flu thing was a big scare too a few years ago and that didn't go anywhere. Neither did the swine flu. They're just running out of ideas to get attention." her other friend chimed from beyond her phone screen.

Sarah sighed "I don't know... Everything has its bases, otherwise, it wouldn't even be mentioned."

"Suuure... In that case, I need to tell you something." her friend dramatically turned to Sarah, lowering her compact mirror "I'm not feeling too well-" she goofily leaned in red lips puckered as if she were going to kiss her friend.

Sarah slapped her arm, any semblances of anger at being teased melted at the ridiculously goofy face her friend was making.

"Jackie, stop!" Sarah said, slapping her arm.

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