
Once again, time waits for no one. Even though they had nothing scheduled, Tony was immediately back in the lab working on the new suits plus the idea for Sunbeam's armour in the back of his head for Soleil. As for her, Pepper indeed figured out a better way for them to handle their long-distance partnership as they worked together to keep Stark Industries on its current high.

August ended and September came. Summer changed to fall, and the temperature began to decrease in New York City. Seasonal decorations for Halloween and even Christmas were already put up by the end of September, October was basically a blur.

The workload started to increase as November rolled in, people mostly trying to get as much done so they could have time to spend with their family and friends for the holidays. But it was not until the 15th of November that something changed in Soleil's work-heavy day, a pile of work resting on the desk of her personal office in the Tower.


Soleil clicked her tongue as she was looking over an important document Pepper wanted her to double-check, which also need her approval on. "Not now, Jarvis."

"But, Miss."

"I'm kinda busy, J."


"Jarvis, can't this wait?" Soleil said putting the paper down amongst the seemingly never-ending pile in front of her.

"My apologies, Soleil. But Mr. Stark requests your presence in the lab."

"Did he blow something up? I didn't hear anything." Soleil leaned back in her chair, scowling more so at the thought of if he did and that fact that she would not have heard because of the soundproof walls in her workspace.

"No, he did not."

"Is he hurt?"


"Did DUM-E cover him with extinguisher powder?"

"No, but Mr. Stark did tell me that he is not happy that you gave DUM-E a new extinguisher."

Soleil's lips cracked a smirk as she waved a hand flippantly. "His own fault for one of the cores not being compatible with the new prototype Arc-Reactor for the Iron Legion. Half the lab was on fire."

"In his defence, it was an accident."

"It's always an accident! So, now if DUM-E covers him in powder...that will classify as an accident as well. Clear?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Good." Soleil said finally standing up from her seat and making her way to exit her office. "Now, this better be important or so help me... I'll hit him with the fire extinguisher!"

"He never told me what it was, but he said you were needed urgently."

Soleil blew out a breath but picked up the pace to take the elevator down to the lab floor before exiting after the doors opened and walking down the hallway. Jarvis automatically unlocked the doors for her and she entered the lab, noticing that it was Tony alone at the moment.

"This better be important, Anthony. I got a mountain of paperwork just begging me to be completed. So, this better be A) Something serious or B) Something funny!"

"Hello to you too, Honey." Tony chuckled but Soleil could immediately see the tension radiating off him.

"Hey," Soleil stepped closer to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, massaging them. "What's wrong?"

"This." Tony stated as a hologram soon displayed in front of them.

Several news channels came up all reporting on a giant metal ship that has appeared at Old Royal Naval College in the Greenwich burrows of London, England.

Soleil ~ Tony Stark(BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now