1. Welcome to forks

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You never think about how something's are supposed to happen. You say it won't happen but it happens again.


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Standing in an empty room with nothing but boxes around her. A girl with beautiful hazel brown eyes, brown hair with highlights she got while back, and a tan for being outside all the time when she was little. The girl lets out a sigh as she goes to get ready for the day, the day where she goes to live with her father. Yes she was sad leaving Phoenix, but she was excited to see her father. Angelea was close with both her parents but she was closer to her father. As she finished getting ready, she heard talking outside.

I was getting and I went down stairs to go see my twin sister Bella and my mom talking " You know you don't have to go right?" Mom said " I know mom but I wanna spend some time with dad and Angelea misses him so she going with me"Bella said. As i go over there they turned towards me and mom comes rushing towards and pulled me into a hug " Mom i'm gonna be okay I have bella with me, and plus you need some alone time with phil" I said wiggling my eyebrows at her. "if you call motels and takeout romantic then i don't what it" Phil said. Mom pulled us into another hug and whispered in my ear " i love you so much" and it was sad seeing like this but i knew it's the right thing. I went back inside to get my bags and phone and i headed back out, mom and bella was still talking but was interrupted by phil " I love you three but we gotta go"
Skip into going forks
We landed in forks and got off the plane to get our stuff.When we had got our stuff we waited for our dad. " Do you see him bells?" " Yeah he's over there" I was to excited to see him that I left all my stuff with bella and ran towards him and jumped in his arms " Hi dad" " Hey lea i've missed you so much" " i've missed you to dad" i hugged him tightly and then turned around to see bella struggling with the bags. I laughed and went to go help her. when we got our stuff to the car we were off too our new home.

Angelea' s outfit

————————————————————————A/NI hope you guys enjoy the first part

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I hope you guys enjoy the first part.

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