"Winner gives up the controller." I raise an eyebrow, that's not how the works usually, but I guess that makes sense in a way?

"Okay, I'm ready to get my ass kicked, let's go." The both of them giggle as the round begins.

I can't really rely on my eye sight, and I don't know how I can use my hearing for this, let alone smell. Just seems impossible. So I will gladly, take the loss on this one. Besides I should really go use the washroom and afterwards grab something to eat from the kitchen.

"Guys, I can't see very well, so I'm going to just let you guys play, I'll be back up with food, unless you guys want to come with?" They both nod their heads, following me up and out of the room. Walking down the stairs, I tell them briefly to go to the kitchen. Needing to use the bathroom terribly bad.

I quickly slide through the doors shutting them behind me. Finishing my business, and quickly washing my hands, I exit the bathroom and lead myself to the kitchen, only to be met with Ben and Sal running around the kitchen, throwing grapes.

"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?" They both turn to look at me, giving me a look telling me that it should be obvious. Rolling my eyes, I take a handful of the grapes, chewing on them as I sit down. The two of them running around once more.

I grab a random book off of the table and begin to read it. I don't generally read, but what else is there to do when you're basically crippled, I can't exactly run a marathon currently, let alone, go for a walk.

I feel something tug on the bottom of my pants, I remove my eyes from the book in my hands staring down, only to give a small smile, towards well, Smile. Moving off my chair, I move down towards him. "Hey buddy. It's been a little bit." He pushed his head into me as he pants, allowing me to pet him. "I missed you too buddy."

I stand back up, not wanting to sit at the table anymore. I'm tired. Why am I tired? I slept for a week, I shouldn't go back to bed. Perhaps I should go for a small walk.

I turn around due to hearing someone trying to get into the kitchen, I open the giant doors and allow them to come in. My eyes widen a bit, before a small smile creeps its way to my lips.

"Hey, noobie." That's when an idea popped into my head. "Care to come for a walk with me? Otis?" He raises an eyebrow, staring at me.

"Weren't you the guy who was sleeping for a week? And the guy who unfortunately knew everything about me?" I tilt my head and frown.

"Come on, it's not like I'm dyslexic." I roll my eyes, "Besides, you're pretty easy to read. Like an open book. And I should walk with someone new for a change." I exit the kitchen, Smile following after me before I hear a sigh behind me, my grin widening.

"Sal, Ben! We're going for a quick walk, we'll be back soon." They both answer, quickly going back to what they were doing. This will be interesting to say the least, what will we even talk about? Afterall, we barely know eachother, well, more like he doesn't really know me.

We quickly shut the door behind us, leading to the outside. Smile quickly runs around, as if they haven't been outside in ages. Helen shoves his hands in his pockets. "So, what was it like sleeping that long?"

I shrug my shoulders, "It was alright to say the least. But oddly enough, I'm exhausted." He turns to look at me with a crazy look. I deadpan, "What? What's with the look?"

"You've slept for an entire week, and when everyone thought you were awake, you went straight back to bed. Jane told me she missed picking fights with you. That tall ass never left your room, Sally wanted to play with you but you just kept sleeping, Ben was frustrated, and upset, but knew you needed to sleep nonetheless. And since I barely knew you I just, carried on with my days I guess." My once deadpanned expression turned into one of shock.

What the fuck? They missed me? But I was basically just an add-on. "I'm still wondering why he never left my room. He has me all kinds of confused." I run my hands down my face. Staring off into the pleasing forest.

"What do you do, exactly, my dear, Otis?" He stares at me and tilts his head.

"We on a last name basis now? Right then, Woods. And regards of what exactly?" I visibly flinch at the name, him silently apologizing.

"Please do not call me that, and in regards of your killing record. Do you have a signature? Do you do it for fun? Have people wronged you? What?" He thinks for a moment.

"I am unsure. Never thought about it I guess. But if I had to choose, maybe revenge. And I hang my victims upsidedown and create art with their blood and body body parts, nothing too fancy I guess." That's actually pretty cool. The noobie has taste, I'll say that.

"What about you Jeff? What's your motivation? Do you have a signature?"

I nod my head, "Yes of course I have a signature, and my motivation? Hatred, anger and revenge I suppose. Gotta make them all look as beautiful as me." He smiles slightly as we continue to talk.

Slowly finding more things in common. Which is kind of odd I suppose. Never thought that the two of us, complete strangers would have something in common.

"We should really head back, I'm tired." Helen nods, agreeing. I whistle, Smile bolting through the trees and bushes towards us at full speed. "Oh, what the actual fu-" I get absolutely trampled, falling straight on my ass. Smile comes right back to lick my face and cover it in slobber. My hands immediately moving to push him away, wiping my face with my hoodie as Helen laughs from behind me.

"Bro, okay, one, I'm sorry for laughing but that was priceless." I frown. Leaning on my arm from behind me. "And two, we really need to go back before he ends up trampling you again because he just ran." He holds out his hand towards me, I grab it and he pulls me up. "You are awfully light."

"I know. Thanks, by the way." He smiles slightly. The two of us walking back to the mansion. I wonder when it will start to rain. If it will rain at all.

I quite like the rain. It's peaceful and loving. And it tells me that the sky is as sad as me. Letting me know I'm not alone.

The clouds above us are quite dark, so maybe we'll be expecting rain soon. I mean, I hope so.

I haven't felt the rain in so long.

It would be quite nice.

Very peaceful.

Very loving.




Look at me, alive an' shit, kinda gay an' shit- anyways. I'm so sorry that took so long lovelies. I was working on it from time to time, but then I would end up getting fucking distracted and ended up never writing it.

But here. I hope this is acceptable, and those who were talking about the beans in the few chapters before- 💀 pLeASe-

It's odd to think that my birthday is in 11 days. This year went by quick. And it seems to be going by even faster than I thought it would. It's been a rough few weeks, but we get by. Had to change the description a bit. But, whatever.

Also, I feel as though our very tall boy should have some issues as well. *Wiggles eyebrows*

Now now, dont be thinking like a bunch of perverts now, Jeffery would die 🖐️🤠. Also, I may end up trying different writing styles. It might be odd for a bit, but I promise, I'm just practicing.

Someone make me a human Slendy. Homie needs some issues of his own. Dude doesn't even know 💀

Give me ideas, loves, for I, am now gonna go the absolute fuck, to bed. I love you weirdos, now bedtime for it is, 5:55 in the morning. I should've just watched anime 🙇‍♀️

🐊discontinued🐊I'm Fucked Aren't I? (Slenderman x Jeff)Where stories live. Discover now