Cheer Up, Unexpected and Confrontations

Start from the beginning

Speaking of the Keith situation it’s still going on! Oh joy! How long has it been? Like two weeks? He’s still upset with all of us. Partially Michelle. He only talks when necessary. Kinda like Melanie to be completely honest.

With Wilma, we’ve been spotting her hanging out with Melanie more and more. A hug here and there are shared. Melanie and Wilma are like best friends. Melanie pairs up with Keith during classes with Slytherin and with Wilma with classes with Ravenclaw according to Michelle and Natalie.

As for Hufflepuff, she just pairs up with a random Gryffindor or with Milly. Quite rarely though.

On the other hand, the DC meetings are getting stupider -wait is that a word?- and stupider each time. The first classes or so were okay. Now it’s just getting plain ridiculous. I honestly don’t have a clue how Professor Warrington got the title of one of the finest duellists in the twenty-first century.

Classes, well, they’re the same as usual. Michelle luckily is getting decent hours of sleep and is not dozing off, sacrificing more points and earning more detentions. Then, finally one day we decided (not Michelle, she was doing an assignment) that we should cheer her up a bit. What Michelle loves to do is to play a Quidditch game.

So we asked Madame Hooch if we could borrow the Quidditch Pitch to play a game. She agreed on the conditions of her choosing the opponent and that if it is supervised by her. Ok, that part of the plan is done. Now to get more players on our team. Madame Hooch told us, it would be a game of girls against boys. She would choose the guy players. The game is going to be in two days.

So we spent like 1-2 hours looking for players to join us. Most of them said no the moment we mentioned that we would play against the guys. So far we only have Helda on board. And that was only for the sake of Michelle. And for a Quidditch team to play a real game, we MUST have seven players.

“I’m sorry but no thanks.” a Gryffindor girl rejected the offer. After that she walks away from us with her friends. I sigh angrily. Just because guys are playing doesn’t mean they’re going to wipe the floor with us! Ok, I know they’re good but still.

“How are we going to get two more players on our team?” Tamara asks. Clearly this is not going anywhere.

“Well we didn’t want to bother the girls on our teams and well....Slytherin is kind know....” I trail off.

“Let’s just ask them. We have no choice.” Natalie says. All of us nod in agreement. Then I get an idea. “Wait! Let’s ask Lilly and Zoey. I’m pretty sure they would help!” I exclaim. Tamara and I run down the hallway to the left while Natalie runs to the right for the library. It took us a while to find Lilly. We found her in a classroom talking to Professor Flitwick.

We walk up to Lilly and the Professor. The Professor dismisses Lilly as we reach them. “Good-bye girls. Have a nice evening and remember to finish your homework.” Professor Flitwick says and then leaves the room. Now it’s just us four.

“Hey Lilly, we’re wondering if you could join our team for the upcoming Quidditch game.” Tamara asks.

“Quidditch game? Shouldn’t you be asking your teammates not me though?” Lilly answers.

“Well...we don’t really want to bother them, so we’re hoping that you could lend a hand. Plus it’s a girls-only team.” I reply. She nods in understanding.

“We would really appreciate it, if you could. We’re doing this game to cheer up Michelle.” Tamara adds.

“What happened? Does it have something to do with Melanie and Milly? Because those two are acting very strange these days.” Lilly says with concern on her face. All of us nod.

Hogwarts School Years: Year 2Where stories live. Discover now