"A phony wand. In my sleep" Carols said.

"And the second Uma testes it, she'll know it's fake" Evie said. At least have some faith Cousin.

"Well, then okay we need to get Ben out of there fast. We need some kind of diversion" Mal said.

"Smoke bomb" Jay said.

"That's perfect.  I just need to get the chemicals from Lady Tremaine's place. That could work" Evie said.

"Sick hair by the way" Evie said.

"Yeah" I said.

"Okay you want to know something? Dizzy did this" Mal said.

"Little Dizzy, shut up" Evie said.

"I am loving it" Mal said.

"Do you think she can do mine?" I asked.

"Totally!" Evie said.

"Ahmh. Hello" the boys said.

"Alright Carols, Jay met us at the pirate bay no later than noon. And you guys losing, is not an option. Cause we're rotten...." Mal said.

"To the core" the rest of said including me.


Mal, Evie and I made it to Lady Tremaine's place as we when in I see a little girl. I'm thinking that's Dizzy.

As Evie went up behind her the little girl turned around.

"Evie? Evie!" Dizzy said.

"Hi" Evie said.

"Hi I'm still here" Mal said as Dizzy asked questions to Evie.

"It's cold and sweet and it you eat it too fast you get headache" Evie said.

"Really?" Dizzy asked.

"Dizzy I want you to meet someone. This is Hope my cousin" Evie said.

"Princess Hope" Dizzy said hugging me.

"Well I don't really go by Princess but it's nice to meet you " I said.

" Hope here would like you to do her hair like you did to Mal's" Evie said as Dizzy took my hand and sat me down.

"How far can I go?" Dizzy asked.

"Until it's Rotten I mean until it feels like me way rotten" I said as Dizzy got on with my hair as Evie and Mal looked through Evies old design book.


After Dizzy done my hair I looked in the mirror to see my red hair.

"Hey, now I see me more" I said

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"Hey, now I see me more" I said.

"Tuda" Dizzy said.

"Tuda" I said giving her some money.

My Once Upon A Time ♡Carols De Vil♡Where stories live. Discover now