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Its been a month since your insanity took over. Since you killed Marcus.

Your at a party with your friends, having the best time of your life.

"Hey I'm gonna go get some sprite, you want some?" Hannah shouts, the music muffling her words.

"Yeah!" You are the rest of your friends yell out.

"I'm gonna go sit at the bar for a bit!" You shout as you to over to the bar.

Unexpectedly, a man approaches you.

He sits on the stool beside you. His neck is covered in tattoos

Resting his chin on his knuckles, he says, " Dresses like that attract the wrong kind of attention."

You smirk softly, "Maybe I like the attention."

He chuckles, eyeing you now, "Mhm, I'd gladly give it to you. Just not dressed like that."

You turn to face him, "What would you rather I be dressed in?"

"That's the thing darling," he begins to stand up, "I don't expect you to be dressed in anything."

You eye him steadily as he dissolves into the crowd.

Eventually, you finish your drink and head back to your friends, until you realize, they aren't there.

Where could they be?


"Boo." A man said behind you, making you jump.

"You? What do you want?" You turn to face him, the tattoo covered guy.

"I bet you're wondering where you're friends are." He says, looking down to you.

"Yea I am, how'd you know."

He tilts his head, "Follow me." He brings you to a room with the door half closed, you see your friends trying to seduce Andre. And he clearly is trying to back away.

You want to barge into the room and scream at all of them, they were harassing him.

"I have to go in there. They're fucking harassing him!" You whisper-shout to him

"My names Santiago, call me if you need me." He hands you a piece of paper with his number on it and walks away back down to the party.

You barge into the room in shock, "What the fuck are you guys doing, don't fucking touch him!" You push them off of him and stand in front of them.

"Chill, we were just trying to have fun, he's just being boring, he knows he likes it." Hannah looks back at him, trying to lead him on.

"You guys are fucking maniacs, never fucking talk to me again" you slap Hannah and grab andre by the wrist.

"You're kidding right? Come on Madi!"

"Thanks." He says

"Shut up."

You pull him into the bathroom, "Are you okay? What did those bitches do to you?!"

"I'm okay, I'm okay."

"Are you sure? Andre please don't hide anything from me."

"I'm okay!" He chuckles, cupping your face, "You have nothing to worry about."

"Okay, if you say so."

You both head downstairs, back to the crowd.

You give a dirty look to Hannah and her friends

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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