Chapter 34: Spartans will never die out

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He then picks up a shotgun and tossed it to Sarge, as he catches it Rowen also tells Sarge.

Rowen: Don't give me wrong you are an idiot in times. have a strong desire to a real soldier. So....what do you say, your coming or what?

Sarge was surprised by Rowen and looks at his shotgun which he cocks it back and leaps oit of the base and tells him.

Sarge: Boy that is one of the reason that I like you. No offence Simmons.

Simmons: None taking sir.

Tucker: Kick Yeah! We're back in business.

Grif: Fuck and I was enjoying our short retirement.

Caboose: Yes! We're gonna save Church and he'll be my best friend forever.

Simmons: I'll start up the Pelican.

Mike: No need for the Pelican Simmons.

Grif: Then how can we get there?

Mikze: Let's just say....ever seen a ship bigger then a Pelican?


Bullets fly by within the snow landscape as the Spartan  slayer solders march through the snow to make it to the Spartans hold out base but mines were placed within the snow and blows them up sky high.

They can't track it because these mines are cable to block our any radar so there were bodies flying while the Spartans and UNSC soldiers have the upper hand with Freelancer equipment and weapons in hand.

Ave: Alright boys, let them have it!

Ave and her Spartans pull out prototype hydras and fire missiles oit of the cliff and blows up a few Spartan slayer soldiers while Ashley and her snipers take point at the other side of the cliff and open fire at them quickly taking oit solders left and right.

Vehicles either get damaged too much or get completely blow up in both sides as we see Tracker, Washington, Quick-Trigger and Breaker get cover behind a rock as they see solders getting killed left and right.

Breaker: It looks like their have the upper hand.

Tracker: Fuck! We need to take them out.

Quick-Trigger: Are you nuts?! There us too many out there now and they have us pinned. We should pull back and-

Tracker: NO! We're NOT gonna fall back! I'm not leaving until I'll watch them all dead!

Quick-Trigger: God fucking damn it Tracker listen to yourself! We have an army, we have their base, we have everything we have but your revenge is driving us to our death! And I will NOT be apart of it!

Tracker: Are you saying you are gonna abandoned us.

Quick-Trigger made his decision and stand up and tells them.

Quick-Trigger: Yes. Goodbye sir.

Then he turn invisible and walks off, disappearing within the snow while Tracker gets pissed off by this betrayal but then a tank blows up a rock where they were at and sent them flying.

They land hard onto the ground and Washington sees his battle rifle and he was about to grab it but then a leg stomp on his arm and looks up and he was met with a barrel of shotgun with Tex aiming to his head.

Washington: Your suppose to be dead.

Tex: Don't sound so disappointed. You'll make me cry. Now tell me, where is the Director?

Washington: The Director? How would I know?

Tex: Wrong answer.

Breaker suches over and tackle her which made her sent flying and lands onto the snow. Breaker crackle his knuckles while he walks towards her but then Maine rushes over and throws a punch at him which made him stumble forward.

Halo Male Spartan reader X Red Vs Blue: The ultimate Spartan within Blood GulchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora