Love in Victorian Times

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(TW: Public Execution, Death, Forbidden Love, Bribery, Crying) 

Cold, freezing cold.

His clothes, if you could even call them that, hung loosely around his thin frame.

A woman dressed in fancy clothes, powdered makeup, and dark red lipstick stood near a door with a man. This man was dressed just as nicely. He wore a nice tight suit with leather boots.

Semi looks down at his own feet. They were barefoot and filthy. Not to mention cold, like the rest of him.

He was only about 15, but he was technically the family's peasant.

A knock came from the door.

"That must be them." The woman says to the man. She looks over at the Semi. "You, go to your room." She orders pointing to the stairs.

He quickly heads to the stairs.

Yet he only goes as far as to not be seen. He peers around the corner and sees another woman and man dressed similar to the ones he worked for.

The only difference was a boy that couldn't have been any older than himself, wearing a similar outfit as the other man. The front of his hair was uneven bangs and Semi was quite puzzled by the fact it was not styled the same as the man.

The younger lad looked around before his eyes caught the movement of Semi on the stairs.

Semi, who stood there, quickly retreated to his room, fearing the possible beating he'd get for not listening.

He heard voices downstairs before light footsteps ascend the stairs.

Semi feared that the boy had came to yell at him or something.

He may have been 15, but he was otherwise unable to protect himself physically or emotionally.

The boy turns the corner. "Hello." He says.

Semi keeps his lips sealed.

"You can talk to me, you know? I asked if I could look around and find someone to talk to. You're not gonna get in trouble if that's what you're afraid of."

He looks at the boy confused, how did he know what he was thinking?

The boy reaches into a small bag he has and pulls out something red.

It's not quite a sphere, but it's not a prism either.

"It's an apple." The boy says, extending it to him. "You eat it."

Semi doesn't take it. He doesn't trust him. For all he knew this 'apple' could kill him.

"Here," the boy says. He brings it to his mouth and takes a bite out of it and eats it. "Safe." He says. He extends the apple once more to Semi.

This time Semi takes it carefully. He lifts it to his mouth and bites into it. It's sweet and juicy. He takes another bite, trying to not eat it all at once.

"My names Kenjiro. Kenjiro Shirabu." The boy says.

Semi stops eating the supposable apple and looks at Shirabu.

"Eita," he whispers. "Eita Semi."

Shirabu gives a puzzled look. "I couldn't hear you."

"My names Eita Semi." He says a little louder.

"Oh. Well it's nice to meet you Eita." Shirabu smiles before reaching out and wiping juice from Semi's chin.

A quick flash and Semi's in his late 20's.

His arms are gripped tightly by men on both his sides. He's being dragged away, but he doesn't struggle. Not until he hears his voice.


Semi then starts to move trying to see behind him. "KENJIRO!" The men tighten their hold on him as he struggles.

He's dragged out into the daylight to a platform made of wood. A rope, formed into a noose dangles from the wooden beam above.

"NO! STOP!" Semi continues to hear. "STOP PLEASE! I LOVE HIM! DON'T FATHER PLEASE!"

Semi then finally sees the other boy. His uneven bangs still the same as the day they met. Except this time tears were pouring down his face.

He was being held back by his father and a couple other men.

"Kenjiro!" Semi shouts weakly. Townspeople surround them as they are permitted to watch it.

Shirabu continues to struggle as he tries to make his way to Semi.

"Kenjiro stop! You can't do anything!" He tries to force back the tears. If he was going to meet his end, he wanted to do so with a clear vision of the one he loved.


Semi's hands are tied behind his back as he steps upon the platform. The rope is lowered over his head. He looks at his love and smiles.

A man reads to the public about his secret relationship with Lord Kenjiro Shirabu and how supposabley Semi had forced Shirabu into a relationship.

Semi and Shirabu both knew something the public did not.

Shirabu's father had announced an arranged marriage about a month before. Shirabu had let it slip that he didn't want to marry a random girl, and that he was already in love with Semi.

Shirabu's father saw it as a threat, and an obstacle that needed to be rid of.

So he ordered Semi's execution. He bribed the man with money.

This is what the public did not know.

The man finishes and looks to Semi, almost with regret in his eyes. "Any last words young man?"

Semi says yes and looks at Shirabu. "I love you, remember that." He smiles.


"Kenjiro please."

Shirabu looks at him, pain written on every feature of his face. "I love you to."

Semi smiles.

The trapdoor opens beneath him.

~881 Words

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