Chapter 1

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Tanjiro was tired and his legs were starting to hurt, but he kept going. Tears were already falling down his eyes.

Tanjiro 💭: H-How could this have happened?! I-I don't understand!

He was so confused; what in the world happened? Tanjiro wanted answers, he wanted to know which bastard did this, but right now he has to get Nezuko to safety! Tanjiro looked over to his sister.

Tanjiro: D-Don't worry Nezuko! I'll find a cure for you! I'll make sure you'll live!

1 or 2 minutes after, Nezuko started twitching than she started moving uncontrollably. This surprised Tanjiro and they both tumbled down a small cliff! He quickly got up and started looking for Nezuko, he spotted her not too far away.

Tanjiro: N-Nezuko! I'm so glad you're okay! Come on get on my back, I'll carry you to the village!

Nezuko turned around and lunged at Tanjiro, he quickly grabbed out his axe and stopped Nezuko.

Tanjiro 💭: W-What...?

Tanjiro: N-Nezuko...? What are you doing?!

Nezuko: ARGFH!

Tanjiro: Nezuko what's going on why are you acting like this?!

She was still fighting against Tanjiro and easily started to overpower him. Was it just him or did Nezuko get 2x bigger?!

Tanjiro: N-Nezuko please! Stay with me! Don't leave me to!

Nezuko was still fighting against Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: I'm sorry! This is all my fault! But please don't leave me to! It's me Tanjiro, your older brother! I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you guys.

Nezuko's grip started to loosen and Tanjiro felt a tear drop onto his face...Nezuko was crying? He felt so relieved; Nezuko was still in there!

Tanjiro: Ne..zu-

His eyes widened when he saw another person above them; he was holding a katana! She looked at the side of her irritated. Tanjiro quickly pushed themselves out of the way, Giyuu landed causing some snow to fling away. Tanjiro's back hit the back of three which hurt a lot.

Tanjiro 💭: N-Nezuko?!

He quickly grabbed Nezuko and put his hands around her. Tanjiro looked at the mysterious man, uncertain if he's nice or mean. There was a long silence before Giyuu decided to speak.

Giyuu: Why do you protect it? You do realize she's a demon do you not?

Tanjiro: W-What? No, she's my sister! That's why I'm protecting her!

Giyuu just looked at Tanjiro with no expression.

Giyuu: You stupid boy. She's a man-eating demon, but since she's your sister I'll take her somewhere else to slay her.

Tanjiro's eyes widened; how could he say something so violent with no emotion? His arms tightened around Nezuko. No matter what happened, he'll make sure Nezuko is okay!

Tanjiro: No! I'm not going to let you take her away!

Giyuu: I don't think you're in the position to say that.

Tanjiro: And you can't just say that to someone!

Giyuu: But she's not someone, she's a man-eating demon.

Tanjiro: Even so, she's still Nezuko and my sister!

Giyuu 💭: Stupid brat, she's going to eat you.

He just shook his head, this was wasting too much time. That girl was just a new demon, the sooner he killed her the better!

Giyuu: If you won't give her to me, I'll just have to take her.

Giyuu started charging at Tanjiro and Nezuko and Tanjiro covered Nezuko. When he opened his eyes again, he was surprised to see her gone.

Tanjiro 💭: What?! But I didn't leave her out of my sight!

Tanjiro: N-Nezuko!

He turned to see Giyuu holding Nezuko by the arm tightly. She was swishing and thrashing violently! Tanjiro rushed up to help Nezuko.


Giyuu: I'm a Demon Slayer, my job is to slay demons like your sister.


Giyuu started to get annoyed with the boy's rambling.

Giyuu: Be quiet! You don't get to whine about everything in life! Things happened and you can't go back to the past to change it! IF YOU WERE STRONGER THAN THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!

Tanjiro was taken back by what Giyuu said...but he was right. He tried so hard to protect the ones he loved and he failed...he was too weak. But Tanjiro couldn't think about that he had to save Nezuko!


She continued to thrash and Giyuu stabbed his katana into Nezuko. She gave a loud yell, before going back to thrashing.

Tanjiro: STOP THAT!

He quickly grabbed his axe and ran behind the tree, than he went to try to get Nezuko, but Giyuu hit his neck which made him pass out. Giyuu just looked down at the boy in annoyance. He was looking at his burgundy hair, before realizing his axe was gone.

Giyuu 💭: Where did...

He looked up at the sky and quickly dodged the flying axe that almost split his head! Giyuu looked down at the unconscious boy beneath him.

Giyuu 💭: This boy....

Giyuu's hand accidentally let Nezuko go and he quickly kicked him away.

Giyuu: Shit! She's going to devourer him!

But instead of devouring Tanjiro, Nezuko protected him. Giyuu's eyes widened in surprise and shock, is he actually seeing what he's seeing? Nezuko started charging at Giyuu, trying to kill him.

Giyuu 💭: Instead of devouring her brother, she protected him...Maybe these two siblings can be different....

Giyuu knocked Nezuko out aswell and laid her beside Tanjiro. He continued looking at his burgundy hair, for some reason he couldn't stop looking at it. He certainly was a few younger than Giyuu, and his features weren't that bad. Maybe, just maybe.

Tashio Secrets:

-All water people are hot.


-Also trust me this story will be alright. 😗

-I'm so excited to get to the juicy part. 😩

-I'm pregnant.

-Just kidding I'm only a teen. 💀

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