Chapter 32

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"Hmmm..." Phil nodded along to Dreams explanations of what had happened in the past month where George was gone, and how Karl was able to find them yesterday...

Dream sat next to George, watching Phil as the older blonde processed everything that had just been told him. It wasn't something easy to take in, George had been starved and beaten by one of his greatest enemies and now one of the enemies workers was standing right in front of him, claiming to be on their side after saving George. He would be lucky if he himself wouldn't be sent to get beaten right now for all of the horrid things that had been done to George.

"You know what your doing has no way of turning back right?" He questioned, arms crossed as he gently leaned against the wall.

Dream nodded slowly "unfortunately... yes. I know what could happen to me now but I've made my choice." He had made it the day George begged him to release him, a decision he hadn't realised he had done at first. He didn't know back then how much George would mean to him, how George would comfort him in the coldness of the world that they lived in.

Phil raised a brow, a great smile appearing on his face "I love to hear that however I'm sure you know what will happen if you go back..."

Once again a delicate nod, all the others remaining silent as they watched his every move, observant of this new impostor that had appeared out of no where. He felt like the prey among the hunters, helplessly being surrounded by the ones that probably wanted him dead. It was weird how the roles have flipped, all of the various new faces seeming blank and empty as they glared at him. Dream knew that it was going to be like that for a while, they didn't trust him. They had every right not too. He needed to gain their trust and he was willing to earn it rightfully.

He could feel Wilburs eyes burning into the side of his face, slowly but surely causing Dream to shiver once in a while. He wasn't quite sure why the brunette had taken such a hatred towards him. He has had interactions with him before, harsh nudges as he tried not to get distracted by his enemy in his mission, always ignoring the male who seemed ready to fight. Dream would often notice him, he had realised years ago that Wilbur was the teams main fighter however he had never expected to be sitting in the same room without starting a fight. It could be why the other seemed cold towards him.

Or maybe he was just very protective of George, not just over George but also his father; the leader of the group.

"Right... at least we have got that clear." The male was the total opposite of Schlatt, bright and cheerful, not once had he heard him raise his voice in a negative way or reach for a bottle of wine. His voice wasn't slurred and all actions seemed to be carefully planned out previously. It was a pleasant surprise, a surprise that was far out of his normal ways "we don't have any rooms in the corridor so you'll have to share with George for now. I hope you don't mind?"

George shook his head "Of course, don't worry about it Phil" There was a hint of delicateness in his voice, reaching every corner of Dreams brain.

God. He was going to go insane at this rate.

"Okay then... that's set.." before he was able to finish, George shot up from the seat beside him.

"There is one more thing Phil, we need to return for someone. We cannot leave them with Schlatt."

Phil turned to look at George "oh?"

"Sapnap. We need to get him back. He helped me, just like Dream. I'm sure he would be willing to be on our side!" The desperation was clear in Georges voice, Wilbur getting up from his chair to let his voice be heard.

"What do you mean George? We already have...him..." he glared at Dream as he said that, Dream remaining silent as he listened to the two "there is another one? How many more can we just keep? It's not safe. We can't trust them. I'm sorry." Though Dream hadn't known him for long, he could tell that Wilbur looked after a George in a very specific way. It was almost in a brotherly way, protecting a younger brother from the dangers of the world.

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