"If HYDRA knew about Melany this whole time, why don't they have very much?" Steve pushed.

"Because Bruce didn't experiment with gamma radiation until after Melany was born, and the fact that Banner only started working with SHIELD about ten years ago. HYDRA only extended their search when they found out about her and Barnes. They needed to find another way to get to him if it wasn't through you." Zemo sighed, weakly pointing at Steve. "They knew about that because of his early release from The Raft earlier this year. He was sent to the Avengers Compound in New York, where Melany Banner is." Zemo finished.

"If they knew about Bucky being at the compound, why didn't they just come to get him?" Tony asked.

"HYDRA didn't know where he was sent. I was able to pay some people to get me more information. They know about Melany due to her father, and Steve's relationship with her." Zemo spoke as Steve cleared his throat at his comment. "They just kept closer tabs on her."

Tony nodded. "How do we know we can trust you?"

"You haven't tried to kill me yet." Zemo pointed out, standing up from the chair.

"We could." Clint grabbed an arrow from his quiver, loading it into his bow.

"You won't." He chuckled. "I will have the information you need in order to keep your friends safe. The only other contact you have is Sharon Carter, and she's not your biggest fan right now, is she, Rogers?" Zemo asked, raising an eyebrow.

Steve sighed, running a hand over his face. "That's right."

"So, unfortunately, the Avengers need me." He chuckled. "You should feel lucky that I'm willing to help you after Sokovia."

"We had no choice, Zemo," Steve spoke up, watching as Zemo put the chair up.

"Sure." He scoffed. "Saving the world and all that."

Tony rolled his eyes. "We didn't ask for your help—"

"But we're glad we have it. Thank you." Steve finished Tony's harsh comment.

Zemo nodded. "Of course."

"Is there anything else you have for us?" Clint asked, getting a little irritated.

"Actually, yes." Zemo pulled a book from his jacket. It was red with a star. "This holds the words to activate the Winter Soldier." He handed it to Steve. "Don't let it fall into the wrong hands."

Steve nodded, knowing that if HYDRA managed to get Bucky again, they would have no purpose with him without the words.

"Thank you."

Zemo nodded in response, starting to walk to the exit.

"Where are you going?" Tony asked, putting his face shield back over his face.

"Home." That was all Zemo replied before disappearing behind a door.

It's been a few hours since their encounter with Zemo. He has since left, giving them more coordinates for HYDRA bases. Tony was a little skeptical that a current insider of HYDRA was helping them. The Winter Soldier project hasn't been active for years, but Zemo didn't believe in Super Soldiers at all, even Captain America.

It was a miracle that nobody tried to kill Zemo, even after all his snide comments. The four of them were setting up explosives around the space, and the top of the bunker, ready to blow up the base. They made sure to put them around the cryogenic chambers, to make sure there would be no evidence other than Bucky of the Winter Soldier Project.

"So, how did you know Zemo?" Tony asked.

"Ran into him a few times on other missions last year from Fury. He was never a big problem, but he seems like he can be an asset." Steve replied, placing an explosive under one of the cryogenic chambers.

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