~ My Mate? ~

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3rd Person Pov:
George is 23 year old omega who is taking care of his sister's duaghter, George's sister died 5 years ago and left a baby girl named ashina to George..

George's pov:

It's been 2 weeks since me and ashina left our pack... I struggled to find food since all animals run away from me, but I always manage to set up a trap to a near by lake and catch some fish for us to eat..  "mommy mommy" ashina said happily. Ashina started calling me mom aswell.. "Yes sweetheart?" I mumble.."I made this flower crown for you!"
"Awwhe thank you ashina".... while I was looking at the flower crown, I suddenly smell the scent of a alpha coming toward us...

"Ashina sweetheart, stay behind me..." I said to her, she simply nodded... a angry looking white alpha looked at me and ashina, I thought were about to die until the alpha started licking the fish I was holding....
The alpha transformed to his human form and said... "thanks for the food!", the guy is tall and has a dirty blonde hair...

"Who are you?" I asked. I feel ashina hugging me, she was shaking. "I'm Clay btw, I was just following your scent. You are
my mate" Clay looked happy saying it.. "uhh well.. I have no words right now and maybe try not to scare my daughter"

George replied trying to calm ashina down... "b-bad g-guy!!" Ashina yelled while crying so hard.. "im not a bad guy little pup" Clay said to the little one. "Well I have to go now nice meeting you-" Clay had said but was cutted by George. "George, my name is George". Clay nodded and transformed to his full form and ran. I wasn't sure about what Clay said about me being his mate I mean... who would want to mate with me?.... who would mate with a omega....

End of Pov

3rd person Pov:

Clay started visiting us in our cave and sometimes he'll take care of ashina, ashina is starting to love Clay.
"Mommy mommy me and dad- I mean Clay"
"It's fine ashina you can call me dad? I suppose she dosent have a dad George?" Clay said
"He died" george replied suddenly..
"Can I talk to you george" Clay whispered in his ear. George was feeling needy, it looks like his heat will come tomorrow or today..
"S-sure" George mumbled.
" I was thinking maybe you and ashina can live with me? You can be a part of my pack and be free" Clay insisted George..
"Clay, joining your pack dosent change anything, you'll just want me to serve you forever and that's all" George declined.
He's already free with his daughter..
"But you won't be serving me, you'll be my wife" Clay whispered in George's ear. For some reason George finds that very hot. He turned red,
"So George? Will you come and live with me?" Clay asked
"Y-yea s-sure" George can't even say it right, he's just hearing Clay say it, it's circling his mind. The next day, ashina and George packed all of their stuff and followed Clay. When they got there, George was pretty amazed. George took a glanced at her duaghter who is fast asleep.. Clay showed their room. George was amaze. The room looked like a luxury penthouse, it was big.

(Btw everyone they are disguised humans but they can transform to their werewolf form)
"George, I'll just do some paperwork in my office. You guys can settle down if you want" Clay said kissing George's forehead. George was suprised... Clay kissed his forehead. George and ashina settled down and ashina was fast asleep in George's lap.
George took a glance at the time, 7:20pm, George layed ashina in their bed and started cooking dinner. George always sings when he's cooking, it gives his cooking some love. Clay came home seeing ashina in their bed.
"Hello ashina, my little girl" Clay whispered.
"Hello daddy" ashina replied, ashina was still half asleep so she went back to sleep again, george called Clay for dinner.
"Mhm, this is amazing george, when did you learn to cook?" Clay asked
"It's because I sing when I cook and it's supposed to lighten up and make your food delicious" george replied. They both when upstairs and layed down with ashina..
"George can we do it?" Clay asked silently.
"Do what?"
"Mate with me Georgie"
"Infront of ashina?!, I don't think so Clay" george replied giving Clay a pout.
"Then put ashina at her bedroom"
"No idiot"
Clay stood up and walked over to the bathroom taking a warm bath..

Hi everyone I know this chapter is very small but I'll do a longer one later and yes I tried doing smut but I failed but I'll try again maybe atleast at chapter 3-4-5 👀 who knows?

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