When Life Gives You Lemons 🍋💛💖

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Balan POV - I was begining to make us breakfast again hearing the pan sizzle seeing (Y/N) come into the kitchen it looked like he was freshly showered.

Balan - Good morning Dear

Male Reader - Good morning *smiles*

Balan POV - It seemed he was more comfortable around me I mean we were just intimate and (Y/N) for the first time since I've found him said that he loved me.

Balan - Would you care for some eggs again?

Male Reader - *nods* Yes please

Balan POV - I turned gently placing the fluffy eggs on the plate seeing Cheese ooz out the sides before adding egg to my own plate.

Balan - What shall we be doing today?

Male Reader POV - I saw Balan pour me some orange juice taking a big gulp sighing in content before speaking again.

Male Reader - I think I'd want to go to the park again and relax

Balan - Shall I pack us lunch?

Male Reader - Oh we could have a picnic! We could go to the grassy fields together instead eat under a tree in the nice shade *giggles*

Balan - That would be lovely *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I was humming to myself preparing sandwiches cutting each one into triangles.

Male Reader - Is there a favorite sandwich you'd like?

Balan - Any is fine love

Male Reader POV - I blushed nodding my head finishing up the sandwiches before placing them neatly into plastic containers.

Male Reader - What should we have for fruit? We can bring those Strawberries we picked?

Balan - *nods* I do believe you have some Blueberries as well perhaps some grapes?

Male Reader - Yeah that sounds good! *smiles*

Male Reader POV - I quickly got the Other fruit out of the fridge as Balan suggested being careful to make sure each and every peice was rinsed off before placing them in a small container separate with the fruit.

Male Reader - This is going to be such a good picnic

Balan - It certainly will be


Male Reader POV - Me and Balan were holding hands our fingers intertwine together humming happily

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Male Reader POV - Me and Balan were holding hands our fingers intertwine together humming happily.

Balan - You sure seem happy *smiles*

Male Reader - Mhm! We get to have a lovely lunch together

Balan - I've noticed you hummed alot as well

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