Chapter 20

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{Graduation Day/Ceremony}
(Johnnie's Pov)
"This is it I made it though hell, now I can be Kyle's forever." I sighed as I put my cap and gown on so here's my backstory since I'm valedictorian "Hello everyone my name is Johnnie Guilbert, people of 2016 welcome to our ceremony of graduates now since I'm up here I have to give you a speech on my back story it's actually a quiet interesting one." I smiled and people clapped I took a deep breath and began my speech. "Okay everyone Once again my name is Johnnie Guilbert and I am 18 years old, today I'm am going to tell you a little about my life. I was born on August 28,1998 I grew up with my mom an dad, when I was 8 years old I lost my dad to a battle with cancer. The 3 main people who helped me through this, they are actually sitting amongst the graduates, my best friends Kyle, Zoey, and Nicole thank you guys so much you've helped me so much and you guys are the only reason I'm standing on this stage today! But the main help I've gotten is from my amazing Boyfriend Kyle David Hall. Babe can you come up here please." a whole crowd of people started whispering I watched Kyle get up from his place and walk towards the stage. "Okay everyone this is Kyle, he's light in my darkness but before we start the ceremony I need to ask this man something." Kyle cupped his moth shut so he didn't gasp "Kyle David Hall I love you so much will you be mine forever?" I asked Kyle was about to cry "Oh my god Johnnie Yes oh my god I love you so much!" I heard Zoey in the back yelling "Kiss him!" I grabbed Kyle's innocent face and pulled it close and I kissed him before a crowd of millions. Everyone clapped as we pulled away then Mr. Riley took the microphone and started callining names down to give us our high school degree. "Braden Barrie,....... Nicole Beirsack, ......... Johnnie Guilbert, ....... Kyle Hall,...... Zoey Quinn,........ Jason Veeoneeye." They finished and all of us posed for a picture they last thing I remembered of that day.
(Major time lapse again sorry)
(Kyle's Pov)
I remember our graduation ceremony like it just happened but I didn't that was two years ago me and Johnnie are now 20 years old. I laid in bed playing with the engagement band Johnnie gave me two months ago. I couldn't believe that he was going to be mine forever now that was only just a day dream in high school. "Kyle?" Johnnie called from the bathroom. "yes babe?" I called back "can we talk for a couple of minutes?" He looked upset when he walked out of the bathroom. I nodded "when are we getting kids Kyle I just want a little kid to take care of I really want that for us." he cried I held him close.

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