"Why do you always let that bastard Austin torture you?" Sam claimed. Henry looked away and then shrugged. Henry always hated the feeling of depression, which he has now. 'God why do I feel so weak towards Austin'

Henry wanted to turn into mii form but wanted to stay in human, he felt more comfortable. Sam buried her face into Henry's shirt then sat up and started cry very loud.

"Hey Sam what's the problem?" Henry asked. Sam said nothing but cried. Henry's thoughts started exploding with questions. Henry tended to ask her questions but she refused to tell him. "Well, if your not gonna tell me, you can tell me how you feel Sam.." Sam hugged Henry again started crying. Henry pulled Sam close to hear her emotional out burst Cry's and her emotional break down. Henry could hear Kyle crying as well. Henry could do nothing but think of his childhood. 'Something about this seems... different'

It had been a few minutes before Sam had calm down and went asleep on Henry. Henry was scrolling through Sam's phone. He kept seeing some brown hair girl with white eyes and pale skin, the he eventually saw Kyle. He thought of the Wii, imagining Kyle and his mii, then he got a text. He pulled out his phone and saw Austin was texting him. He wanted to ignore or but he has the urge to talk to someone so he started texting Austin.


We need to talk Henry

About what?

Does it matter?

Well Yes

You and Kyle ok?

Not right now

I'm not joking Henry

I said not right now


I don't care damn it

God Henry your pointless

You know
Somehow you've changed
And its heavily

Henry I'm fucking serious

So am I
But since we're texting each other
Why weren't you there for Kyle
Explain that Austin

That's none of your god damn business now is it

Fuck it
Your the most careless person I know



You know what
I'm going for a walk
We'll talk later



'God I fucking hate him' Henry thought. He looked at Sam and smiled. He thought of his mother. As he thought of his mother he didn't realized the door had opened. He turned to see Kyle with mess hair, cuts on his wrist and a bruise on his neck. Henry tried not to make emotion towards him. "Hey.. uh... Henry?" Said Kyle. 'That's the first time I heard him call me that' "Uh.. yeah?" "Can we talk?" Kyle asked. Henry got up and puts Sam's head on her pillow, then he processed to walk towards Kyle then they both exit the room of Sam's. As they were walking, Henry looked down at Kyle and notice a strange look on his face.

Back into the real world (Wii deleted you afterlife)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя