Chapter 3

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   Your eyes flutter open and you let out a soft groan, rubbing the back of your head. It was still sore but not unbearable. 

   With a slightly stretch you'd hop down from the bed, looking at your bag. It was hanging off the top bunk's bed post. Pausing for a brief moment, you'd open your bag and feel around for the leather-bound book. You hadn't bothered with reading it for all this time... maybe fear was what was stopping you from opening the pages? 

   Rubbing the cover of the book, you'd open it- a satisfying crackling sound being emitted from the spine of the book. Your eyes found the first words on the page... 'The day I found her, she was nothing  but a crumpled mess on the street-' There's a loud thump sound and then shuffling, you'd close the book swiftly and slip it back in your bag as you looked behind you, the blond- Annie- was up now, the thump must've been her own bag dropping onto the floor.

   "What? Got a staring problem?" The blond inquired. You'd give a brisk head shake and grab your clothes, beginning to change into them. Luckily this time you didn't leave your gear in the locker room. You'd slip into your straps but in the process get your leg stuck and fall forward, trying to catch yourself with your stuck leg made you jerk forward and your arms would fly out in front, you bound leg's knee hitting the ground earning a chuckle from the blond. 

   You'd hop out of the room, adjusting your boot as you hobbled along before finally fixing it and trotting out, adjusting your jacket and bandanna in a few rushed sweeps. 

   'Oh man, that really made me look like a fool, didn't it' You'd offer an inwardly awkward chuckle to yourself as you made it outside. Everyone was already lined up so you speed-trotted to your spot before saluting, praying Keith didn't notice your absence. Luckily, he didn't. 

   Keith turns, announcing "Today we'll be going over combat training!" Earning a few excited mumbles from the crowd. 

   A short, raven-haired man with that same cold silver-grey stare walks out before stopping in front of the group, pausing.  The broad shouldered blond man and the brunet woman with glasses also walk out, the brunet seemed to be buzzing with excitement while the blond seemed interested none the less. The raven-haired man studies the group before saying "Alright. I'll need a volunteer for my demonstration." Eren nearly snaps his arm he raises it so fast. 

   "Not you, Yeager." Eren lowers his arm with a disappointed look on his face. Jean grins slightly and pushes you forward, your eyes widening as you look back at him like "ExcUse Me!-

   Levi just sighs slightly before nodding. "Alright, get into a fighting stance." 

   You look back and glare at Jean as you walk over and drop into stance, fists up, knee bent out slightly with the dominant foot in front. 

   Locking eyes with the raven-haired man, you noticed you were about his height, if not taller. "Come at me with everything you got." He dropped into his own stance and waited. 

   You took a small breath and lunged forward, throwing a punch. He dodges said punch and kicks your feet out from under you, causing you to fall forward and catch yourself in a push-up like stance. Rolling onto your side you throw your leg into the air and drive your heel into his side earning a grunt from him. Going to a crouch position you sweep your leg quickly and catch him by surprise, knocking his feet from under him and causing him to slam down onto his ass. 

   The scout trainees all cheer, some yelling "YEAHH! Knock em' onto his ass!" Or "Woohoo! What a badass!" float around the crowd. 

   You stand back up, thinking said fight was over only to have your feet knocked from under you and pinned face-first into the ground. 

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