Chapter 31

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And then suddenly light.

The room was dim, grey walls and floors. It honestly reminded him of the room he had been held in a couple days prior, the same empty smell filling his senses. It felt like a drug, his head stinging as he lifted it up to look around more.

He was helped with that, his head being slammed upwards against a wall.

"Finally awake huh... finally we can start"

"About fucking time..." the two voices were similar, one very calm yet especially eerie while the other a complete opposite, sharp and harsh, cutting through the intoxicating air.

As his eyes began to focus, he could see a small clump of green laying on the floor not too far off from him, ropes tied around it. It wasn't long before he recognised the familiar blonde waves as Dreams.

"Dream..." he mumbled, the other not responding at first. It made George think that he didn't even say anything, it all being his thoughts. He could hear the small coughs of the other, coughs he knew couldn't be good.

Heavy shoes walked towards him, the male in a suit crouching down, his deep brown eyes meeting Georges. He finally recognised the man; the alcohol reeking freak that called himself an all powerful leader.

Leader of Jack shit.

"Since someone decided to wake up so late, we have already had some fun. I hope that's okay with you" he commented, his large hand wrapping round Georges jawline and turning his head in order for him to look at the small green lump.


"Leave him alone Schlatt..." the blob weakly mumbled, George seeing no sign of movement apart from his chest moving up and down, his clothes looking tight against the rope that was tied round his arms.

There was a deep chuckle, the chuckle causing George to feel nauseous as Schlatt let go and slowly walked over to the blonde.

"Leave him alone you say... and why would that happen Dreamie?" There was a great sense of hatred at how he called him that. He knew Sapnap would often call him that in order to tease him however hearing Shlatt say that caused him great discomfort.

That nick name didn't belong to Shlatts tongue.

The blond remained silent, Schlatt kicking him over in order for George to see his face. George didn't have time to react before he froze, seeing the others bloody and bruised up face, nose bloody. He was barely able to look at George, his eyes puffy from both tears and beating.

Looking at George just caused the other to tear up more.

"Just let him go... please. He hasn't done anything..." he begged, his voice weak, George couldn't do anything but watch. When had this happened. Why were they here. They were safe. They were okay. They were happy;

They were together.

He could feel panic begin to clog up his throat, his body suddenly beginning to frantically find a way to get over to him. He needed to help him but that was impossible as he too was tied up, his body not being able to even move a few centimetres.


"It's okay Dream, just stay calm okay? It will be okay." He tried to comfort him, his arms desperately trying to slither out from the tight grip of the ropes.

Shlatt let out a sickening laugh, Georges eyes becoming blurry as the tears finally arose. Why was he crying, that wasn't helpful right now. He had to help Dream somehow, their life was depending on it right now.

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