Chapter 19

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I'm so frustrated with this shit I stormed towards Johnnie and Kyle what was I about to do in front of everyone? I don't know yet when I got them Johnnie flung himself into Kyle's arms I felt awful for almost killing Kyle but I needed to tell Kyle about Johnnie's past even though they grew up together me and Johnnie were close friends and I knew he still had the scars on his arm. "Kyle?" I said trying to loosen my tone he nodded "can I talk to you for a couple of minutes I won't hurt you I promise." I was trying to be sincere "Umm sure." Kyle stated we walked outside and he started to freak out "Kyle don't worry I won't hurt you but I think you should know something about Johnnie his other side of his personal life." I sighed he looked confused "what?" He asked me "Johnnie used to cut himself and I saw his scars they looked recent, I'm worried Kyle." "Of course you are bulling us everyday." I sighed "I know I'm sorry Kyle I just forgot how unstable he was and I'm sorry for almost killing you." He glared at me "he's my boyfriend and I will take care of him I don't need your shitty excuses!" He stormed away from me into the building.
(Kyle's Pov)
{After Prom at Kyle's House}
Was Oliver telling me the truth? I grabbed Johnnie's arm and lifted up his sleeves and sure enough their was pinkish white scars on his arm I started to cry "why?" I sobbed Johnnie started crying too "I'm afraid of losing you and I can't do this on my own please Kyle don't leave me!" He was about to hyperventilate I held him closed and whispered "I won't Johnnie I love you too much." we layed in my bed humming the words to Fly (Sleeping With Sirens!) he fluttered his eyes shut and I began drifting away into my dream land, my happy place, my safe haven. My dreams were filled with him and his amazing smile. Johnnie was the light in my darkness he was my world, my everything I couldn't stand the thought of losing him. I awoke to a clap of thunder oh great a storm after prom how amazing, I turned on my phone and a million notifications exploded my phone because my mom had posted photos that Mary (Johnnie's mom) had given her people in comments saying 'OMG KOHNNIE FOR REAL!' I laughed at this and turned my phone off and held him tightly as I drifted back to sleep.
(Major time lapse in the next few chapters I'm actually just going to skip their graduation -Zoey_Marie_Quinn)

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