Chapter one

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Just a heads up, this isn't going to follow the story of the actual anime, it will follow my own ebb and flow. If you do not like this than sorry about your luck. I might include a few scenes or events from the anime but that's it. (I'll put a spoiler warning though!) I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY BESIDES FOR THE FEW I MADE UP. ((y/n)'s Parents XD) ANYWAYS please enjoy :)

   You were always quiet growing up, only speaking when spoken to. You always kept your head held high and ears perked, listening for the next command... You appeared as a stunning, fragile work of art in their eyes. Something that shouldn't be touched for fear of it breaking... but that wasn't true. You were a resilient force to be reckoned with. As agile as a cat, and clever as a fox you were.

   You're ready to show the others what a true soldier looks like. Fist to your chest and head held high. Will this lead to to your own downfall?... Or will they save you from your own clawing thoughts?... 

   You were walking along the heavily populated streets, your arms hanging at your sides and your face turned up towards the groggy grey sky. You had your eyes closed while you walked, using the movement of traffic as your guide. Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to get to their houses, taking hurried steps. In the distance there was an odd sound, the sound of hooves on stone. Opening your eyes slightly you would look over at the gates, watching as a crowd formed around them. 'Hm... Whats going on over there?...' You'd ponder for a second before turning and walking over. You were always one to be lead by curiosity. 

   As you reached the edge of the crowd you could see the scouts all trudging down the same path, some slouched over horses, limping harshly, or bearing horrific wounds- only capable of letting out a few moans of pain... but all shared that same glazed over look. The images of the past events haunting them to their very core.  

   Your heart drops as a man yells out "WHAT A WASTE! What are you even good for?! We pay taxes to feed your sorry asses and all you do is go and get yourselves killed! What's the point?!"  Everyone grows quiet for a second, passing him a look of horror or confusion. 'What does he mean?' You'd sit there, wide-eyed before a woman pipes up "Yeah! Why even go outside the walls?! It's safe in here!" You watch as the group bursts out in argument withing its'self.

   You decide to ignore the rambling group and turn your attention back to the lumbering scouts. A striking blond-haired man looks over into the crowd and his oceanic blue orbs lock onto your (e/c) ones. You instantly avert your eyes to the scout in front of him, heat creeping onto your cheeks. This scout had raven hair and a stern silver-grey gaze. He seemed to be a bit smaller than the blond behind him. They both appeared to be well built to say the least. 'Oh wow...' You'd smirk to yourself slightly... pausing.

   Sighing slightly you'd avert your attention to a woman in the back, she had brunet hair and glasses. She seemed sad as she rode along behind the group, a few men groaning in pain snapped your attention back into reality. 'What happened out there?...' 

   You returned home that day with several questions now bubbling in your mind: Whats' beyond those walls? What happened out there? What do the scouts do? How can I be like them?! 

   Your mind raced with questions as you sat on your pallet. Your family never had much money, just enough to keep food in your stomachs but that was enough for you. You didn't have any siblings, and oddly enough.. you didn't look like either of your parents. You always got teased because of this, the other kids would always say "You're adopted!" or "They found you in the streets!" but you never believed any of it. It wasn't true, was it?

   You tried to think back to when you were younger. Blank. How long have we lived here? Blank. Your mother was always worrying over you. "Oh dear, don't think back so hard... You'll get another head ache." Or "You think too much love, it's best to not think of the past." were always passing from her lips. Why? Why didn't she want you thinking of the past? What's wrong with wanting to know.

   Your mom and dad call you over to the table to eat. You never had a strong connection with your father, he spoke very little and showed no compassion what so ever. He was always coughing and shaking, hunched over himself... he seemed to be.. sick? He was always over at his 'friends house' sitting in his study. His friend had a son and daughter a bit younger than yourself. The son had stunning green orbs and dark hair, a spitting image of the two parents while the daughter seemed to hold no resemblance what so ever. She was like you in a way... 

   As you sit down at the table, your mother gives you a bowl of soup. As you look down at the swirling liquid only one thing keeps running across your mind... "I want to joint he scouts." You'd blurt. Your mother would choke on her soup, looking over at you with wide eyes. "(y/n) No, that's a horrible thing- what's gotten into you?!" Your mother furrowed her brows, looking down at you with a fearful expression. 

   "If she wants to get herself killed then let her. One less mouth to feed on out part-" Your dad bluntly stated before breaking into another coughing fit. His sides shaking from the force. 

   "That- that's enough excitement for one day, come on honey- let's go to bed... (y/n) Clean the dishes once you're done eating." You lowered your gaze back down to your food, only nodding. How could he say that? And to his own daughter? You grabbed your soup-untouched- and dump it back into the pot. 'I'm not going to let him stop me.'

   You stayed up that night, planning on what to do...

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