"Ugh, calm those titties." Mitch rolls with his eyes.

"Jealous?" Kirstin teases.

"We'll start at $50!" The woman says.

One girl bids $60. Another girl does a $75 bid.

"Are you going to bid on him?" Kirstin asks.

"Wait... This is too easy. They will overbid each other so fast. I'll wait a little..." Mitch says.

"I hear a $95? Oh, a $100! Who else is gonna join in? He is a very handsome guy and is funny too. Anyone?" The woman tells.

An elder woman bids $110 and a classy girl shouts a $130.

"Ladies, calm down." Scott chuckles.

"I agree." Mitch nods.

"I hear a $150... He's worth it." The woman says.

"It's so high already, Mitch..." Kirstin says concerned.

"Be patient." Mitch whispers.

A woman bids $180 on Scott.

Mitch smiles at her.

There's a little silence.

"I have a $180 here. Does anyone want to bid higher?" The woman asks.

Silence again.

"Ok so I think-"

"$1000!" Mitch shouts.

"What? That's all of your savings!" Kirstin whisperyells.

"I like to take risks. At least I will have him around me for 10 hours." Mitch whispers.

"E-excuse me?" Scott says.

"Who said that? $1000?" The woman asks as she searches through the audience with her eyes.

Mitch walks to the front, dragging Kirstin along.

"I did." Mitch smiles.

"You?" Scott whispers.

"Wow... Well, $1000 is a lot, young man. I assure you, he's worth it. He is my nephew. So $1000? Anyone else wanna bid higher?" The woman says.


"Good job. You've won my company, I guess. I think I'll like spending my time with you." Scott smiles.

Mitch blushes. Wow, he's kind too.

"You have to fill in this form first." The woman says.

Mitch fills in the form and hands it over.

"It's all set now. Oh, who is this lady here?" Scott says.

"Hi, I'm Kirstin. Mitch's friend. I'm gonna head home since Mitch is the one who has won your company." Kirstin smiles.

"Wait, you don't need to. I don't mind." Mitch says.

"Well. Yeah. I'm going... Just so you know...." Kirstin says as she winks at Mitch.

"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you then." Scott smiles.

Kirstin hugs Mitch and walks away.

"She's sweet." Scott says.

"She is. I wouldn't know what to do without her." Mitch nods.

"That's sweet." Scott smiles.

"So, uhh... Did you rather spend your time with one of the ladies?" Mitch asks shyly.

"What? Oh no... Not at all. I'm very content with spending my time with you. You seem sweet too. Your name is Mitch? Is that from Mitchell?" Scott asks.

Trio ONESHOTS (Scott, Mitch, Kirstin)Where stories live. Discover now