You're Late...

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"I got you Doll, don't worry. We will get you through it."

"I hope so," I whispered quietly enough that he wouldn't hear me as I walked away from him. Heading to my drawers, pulling some training clothes out and slipping into the bathroom.

"Doll you don't need to go to training...I was just trying to get your attention earlier, Steve will understand." Bucky sounded from outside the bathroom door.

I opened it and he jumped, "I know, but let's go."

Bucky leant against the door frame and watched me for a moment before sighing and shaking his head, "There's no point putting up a fight with you about this is there?"

"Glad to see your learning Buck!" I smiled before gently tugging on his vibranium hand, "Come on to I kick your ass and forget about what just happened."

As I opened the door, Loki fell silent and stopped talking to Nat, locking eyes with me. I stopped dead in my tracks, feeling Bucky standing close behind me, probably death staring Loki. I broke the eye contact to quickly glance at Nat who looked pissed off, but Loki had made it clear he wanted privacy.

"Sorry to interrupt," I mumbled before walking off towards the elevator, as I pressed the button I turned to find Bucky still standing at my door staring at Loki. "Buck? Let's go! Training!" I called. He looked to me and nodded.

"Of course Doll."

With that he strode towards me, wrapping an arm over my shoulders as we entered the elevator. I didn't dare to look back at Loki before the doors closed.

There was a tense silence in the elevator as it began its decent. Bucky cleared his throat, clearly wanting my attention, "So last time we were in an elevator you said we were making out am I right?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Mind out of the gutter Barnes." I grumbled, exiting the elevator to find Steve in the middle of the training room looking slightly annoyed.

"You're late." He announced.

"Steve." Bucky warned. "Now isn't the time."

"I'm sorry Cap....I....well I had a bit of a panic attack..." I felt embarrassed saying it out loud, "seems I'm not healed just as well as I thought I was."

There was a silence before Steve made his way over to me and hugged me, "Everything can be fixed with a little time, help and patience Y/N. Don't worry. We will get you through this." I smiled up at him.

"Thanks Cap. I'd be lost without you guys...."

His eyes were gentle as he smiled at me, "That's what family are for. We help each other in times of need, and so what if today is a bad day. Healing comes in waves, and maybe today that wave hit the rocks. That's ok though. It's ok. Your still healing." He let go of me and cupped my face with both his hands, "but I want you to know this. You are strong enough to face it. All of it. What happened to you, what's ahead of us, what's going on right now. You can, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Do you hear me?"

I nodded to him, "So we gonna kiss now or what Cap?" I teased, as a giggle escaped my lips.

He laughed, holding me at arms length, "Glad to see you still have your sense of humour after all this Y/N, anyways, don't tell him but I think Buck would kill me if I did that so I will leave that one to him!"

"I heard that Steve!" Bucky grumbled from the side of the room as he wrapped his hand up for sparring.

We both laughed and Steve winked before giving me another squeeze then walking over to the punch bags, "Alright you two let's warm up!"

Somewhere Along the Way...To AsgardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz