A Prescription For Sex

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I stood outside the doors of Asan Medical Center and took a deep breath. Today was my first day and I wanted to make a good impression. My interview had gone so well that they hired me on the spot, so I had no choice but to live up to their expectations. I've been an OR nurse for 4 years now and have traveled to so many states I lost count but the experience I gained was worth it. It also didn't hurt that my best friend had been working here for years.

I pushed open the door and made my way to the second floor where the operating rooms were located. Once I arrived, I dressed out in their vibrant green scrubs and headed to the classroom for my orientation. I was only required to complete 6 weeks of training due to my previous experience but it was still the worst part of the job.

After listening to hospital policies and other important information all morning, we were finally able to break for lunch. Katie agreed to meet me in the cafeteria so once I got something to eat, I found a table for us.

"So, how's the first day going so far?"

"Horrible. I hate orientation!"

"Well just be lucky that you didn't have the same educator that I did." She said as she sat down with her lunch bag.

"We have to wait a whole week before we can even go into a room and I don't know if I'll be able to handle it."

"When do you get to work with Jennie?"

"Next week. She still has to talk to Intuitive to get all my training and credentials rolled over to my profile here. Then I can start the simulations and go from there. I'm really excited about the convention this year, it's in Hawaii!"

"WHAT? No fucking way! You lucky girl you, not only do you get an all expenses paid trip to paradise but you also get to go with Dr. Jeon."

"Oh you mean, the sexy, single, fucks anything with a pussy, Dr. Jeon?" I said with a sarcastic laced tone.

Rosé was constantly talking about Jungkook Jeon, the youngest, smartest, and apparently the hottest doctor to ever have walked the halls of this place. It didn't hurt that he was extremely talented and not only knew his shit but could back it up. He was the youngest surgeon in his group and a well known player as well as self-proclaimed bachelor. I hadn't met him yet but I had already gathered enough information to know I needed to steer clear of him. I had enough of my share of assholes in the past and he was no different.

Besides I had been doing just fine for the last 3 years by myself and I didn't plan on getting involved in anything for a while. My ex pretty much ruined any chance of happiness for me with his constant cheating, lying and manipulation.

But I never would leave, mostly because at the time I thought I needed to be with someone but since we broke up, I've become a new person. I don't need anyone to make me happy although I'm not going to lie, the lack of sex is slowly killing me.

"Oh don't give me that, Lisa, you know you want to join in the parade!" She snickered as I gave her the most evil pair of eyes and threw my napkin at her.

"Like hell I do! I don't want to be another prize on his bedpost and besides I don't have the energy for the chase."

We finished our lunch laughing, thirty minutes is way too short and once we were done we walked back to the unit. She didn't have anything for the rest of the day but she usually went help where she could. I on the other hand still had 4 hours of torture ahead. I sighed and walked into the classroom for the rest of my training.

The next five weeks of orientation went by much quicker than the first and I was finally back in my element. I was beginning to feel comfortable with everyone and had even gained praises for my work. I finally got to work with Rosé one day, unfortunately it was with Dr. Delicious Ass.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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