He passed by Chanyeol that waved his way saying good morning but the terrified Beta didn't even notice him as he hurried out of the room,

the Alpha stood there confused
with his hand still in the air,he
looked back at the room door
realizing what must have scared
the Beta, he turned around to walk away when the door behind him opened,
"Channie", the Alpha heared Jimin calling his name in a cute voice, he smiled and turned to greet the adorable Omega when a book flew straight to his nose, the Alpha fell to the ground and groaned clutching his nose in shock, he looked up to see the "adorable" omega smirking at him,
"What the fuck jimin?!!", he screamed.
"Sorry it's just I wanted to throw this book"
he said in sarcasm narrowing his eyes at him.

The Alpha stode up terrified and ran away, jimin looked at him disappearing to the bathroom, he shrugged and went back to his room, he really couldn't understand why some people were scared of him, he is an absolutely cute and adorable nice boy, he sighed as he sat to comb his hair humming to himself.

Hoseok stopped running once he reached the stairs that lead to the rooms upstairs, he climbed the stairs slowly dreading every moment and praying to the moon goddess that he won't die today, he reached the room and glared at the door as if it would open by itself, he took in a deep breath and opened the door, the room was dim as the curtains were preventing any sunlight to enter, someone might have thought a vampire was sleeping here.

He walked slowly toward the bed and looked at the male sleeping peacefully, he smiled at him and how cute and carefree he looked, he shoke him lightly, no response, "Yoongi w-wake up", he whispered, still no response, he sighed and shoke alittle harder, nothing.

Hoesok took a deep breath and
then he did it, "Yoongi!!',  he
yelled, it was the only way to wake him up, the Alpha opened his eyes in shock and looked toward Hoseok, the Beta saw how Yoongi's eyes darkened, as expected, Suga.
"The fuck you want Hoseok?!" "Ummm, to wake Yoongi up?",he said more like a question than an answer.

The Alpha growled as he removed the sheets to show his toned pale chest, he always slept shirtless, he stood up and looked at Hobi as if he was going to jump on him, Hoseok backed away in fear as he tried to calm him,"S-suga! Wait! It's almost 9 in the m-morning you need to wake up! I was ju- it was Jimin's idea please don't kill me!!".

Suga growled again then jumped on the Beta strangling him, he wasn't killing him it was more like an annoyed grip but the Beta was screaming anyways, suddenly the door opened and Suga turned towards it, he saw jimin walking toward him with a book, "The hell you want? Get out I ain't reading shit I'm trying to ki-",
Suga's words was cut by a book hitting him square in the face.

The Alpha blinked seceral times as if waking from a trance, he looked down to see his hands on Hoseok's neck and the Beta looking at him with a stupid look,
"Hey yoongi", the Beta smiled
dumbly at him waving,
Yoongi took his hands away and
stode up, he looked at jimin and
could practically see smoke coming out of his ears.

He smiled sheepishly at him with an apologitc look, he sighed and looked down at his mate who was still laying on the ground like a sea star, "Sorry to interrupt you from killing my mate but I'm really hungry and the whole pack is so if you don't get your asses down there in 10 minutes I'm throwing a knife at you next time not a book",
Yoongi laughed at that but when he saw the blank look on Jimin's face his laugh died down and nodded his head quickly.

Hoseok got up and left the room with jimin to let Yoongi freshen up and get ready for breakfast, he finished and headed downstairs to the dining room where his close pack members were setting, he smiled at them goofing around and laughing, this is his family and he loves them, although he can't help think how the house would have glowed even more with a certain giggles ringing inside it.

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