"Yes I'm talking to you." She didn't give you a single look because she was busy searching for something.

"Do you need anything from me?"

"Got it!" She took out her bento box, "Let's go."

You're confused when she motioned you to go with her. Since you also have an attitude, you didn't move until she noticed that you're not following her.

"What's wrong? Come on." Katana really radiant lesbian vibes, she's hot to be honest.

"And who do you think you are to boss me around?" You raised your brows.

"I am not bossing you around, I'm just following orders." She rolled her eyes on you.

"Orders from who?"



"Sanzu Haruchiyo."

"What do you mean?" Hearing his name made you even more curious about the situation.

Katana sigh and walked back to you, "Akashi's a friend, he asked me to look after you since he'll be busy for a long time."

You laughed humorlessly, "Say this to your friend. I am not a kid for him to hire a babysitter on me. So leave me alone."

Katana stared at you for a while, then shrugged. "Okay, if you say so." She then casually walked out of the classroom.

You don't believe it, she knows how to obey. Unlike her friend, plus you're offended that Sanzu asked her to look after you. He's not just bothering her, he's also making you feel as if something bad is going to happen to you.

What a jerk.

You shake your head as you leave the classroom, but then you suddenly flinched when you saw the same lady you just sent off outside the classroom.

"Are you done with your attitude? Because I'm hungry." She has her hands on her hips while holding her bento box on the other hand.

"I thought you're going to leave me alone?"

"Akashi payed me.. you didn't so, let's go. He said you don't have friends so you often eat alone.. now you have me." You saw how she forced a smile. Like, her mouth is smiling but her eyes are just resting. She has a lazy eyes so you can tell how she forced that smile.

You face palmed, "Whatever, let's go I guess."


"Sooo, Katana. Tell me more about yourself, since you said we're friends now." It's obviously your first time seeing her ever since you came to this school. So you're a bit curious about her.

"I like girls."

You literally choke your food when you heard her casually say that. You knew it, she does give off a vibes that she's into girls.

"Y-you like girls?" You repeated after you finished coughing but she really couldn't careless if you choke to death.

"Yes, so you don't need to be jealous when I said that Akashi's my friend." She proceeded to eat her lunch.

You two are sitting under the sakura tree as you both share lunch together. Like what best friends does, except Katana doesn't really talk much unless you asked her.

"Why would I be jealous." You raised your brows at her.

"He told me you get jealous a lot."

"Tsk! That idiot, why is he acting as if he's my boyfriend." You said to yourself then you just shove a whole peace of sushi in your mouth.

"To introduce myself more. I am Katana Tadashi, I'm close with Akashi since we're young.. he's also my classmate this year, but I transferred to your section. And we use to beat people up for fun." Then again, she faked a smile.

"Why don't you just smile for real though?"

"Nothing to smile about in life."

You just zip your mouth and nodded multiple times, agreeing with her. Katana is cool, every guys in this school would have a crush on her the moment their eyes landed on her. She's really pretty.

"You know, I also don't have many friends since I find people annoying. So I can relate to you." She added, she's really rubbing it on your face that you're a loner.

"I don't need friends, I'm fine with this.." you hung your head low and proceed to eating, you sort of felt bad again every time you remember how sad your life was since that rumor started.

"Katana?" You called for her, and she hummed in response. You're hesitating to ask this, but fuck it already. "Have you heard about the rumors about me?"

"Yeah, why?" Of course, its a stupid question. Everyone in this school knows about it. Even your lower class knows about it.


"I am aware of that, but I don't give a single fuck about it. Do I look like the type of person to go around putting my nose in someone's business?"

"Not really." You chuckled when her tone raise, because her tone was so low earlier. You heard a sass with it.

"I won't judge you because of that. We all have reason why we do stuff right? I won't even ask you about it since I could feel how deeply affected you are. When you're around me, I want you to be yourself.. don't think that I will judge you because of that." She smiled, but this time.. it was real.

Her smile starts from her eyes, and you know damn well to yourself those smiles are true. Her smile is actually contagious which made you beam.

Katana looks mean, but deep within.. she's really a nice person.

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