Behind the Clear Barrier

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Lightning strikes from the heights and finds the tallest spires.
points and clicks and acquired .

Fists fall, clenched in climb, attaching fire down your spine, electrified.

My eyes are accident..the last thing I could remember was a fire..a great..big fire..then my mind immediately darts over to you. Are you okay? Did you make it out?

I let my eyes start to flutter open after a couple minutes, sitting there, weak, paralyzed.

Cause we live in darker times, open my eyes so I can see brighter, oh.

You are there. You are smiling as me. The light behind my casts small shadows on my face, but your golden eyes sparkle in the light.

you are a beam of light, maybe that's why your battery runs dry.

Tired..I feel..oh, so,
I can't.
I want to feel your arms wrapped around me. I want you to pull me close to you and whisper softly, everything sappy about never letting go, and eternal love.

Luke's P.O.V.

I sat in that room with you every single day, wake up..WAKE UP. I'd think to myself, watching your heart monitor beep at a steady pace. I wish I could hold you, tell you it's going to be okay, but you are behind a thin wall of what seems to be plexiglass so I cannot get to you.

I hear you cry from the other side of the broadband line that cuts out and in, two seconds behind

Your heartbeat starts to slow. Maybe the shock from the fire is wearing off? I try to convince myself. It has to be, I am not losing you. Not now. Not ever.

Then you go quiet, and say goodnight..

Then you go quiet and say goodnight.

A single teardrop falls from my eye and rolls down my cheek. I'm afraid. I love you.

Weeks, months pass, and one day. You wake up. Your eyes slowly flitted open. Your eyes seemed uncomfortable at this new light. Then you try to give me a smile but you are too weak. It turns out more of a crooked grin. Even so, I adore it. I cherish every moment of it.

Across the room, Hailey is quietly singing a song. You join in, you seem happy. Your voices harmonize perfectly. Hailey turns around from where she was sitting, her eyes widened in shock and relief. She stops singing.

Tears start flooding out of her onyx eyes and she goes to hug you. The plexiglass has been removed. The wall, the barrier that kept me from you, gone. Vanished in a second.

A couple hours later, Hailey left, but I sat there. I'd sit there all night, holding your hand as I was now if I could. I was so relieved you were okay.

I leaned down and kissed your forehead and a couple of my tears splatter onto your face.

I love you. We both whisper in unison, hands interlocked, we know, we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.

Behind no wall, no boundaries in between us.

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