Into The Castle

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Then a huge wave of darkness came over me as the doors in front of us opened, revealing shadows that seeped out like tendrils that danced around us. At the vocal point of the darkness was a tall woman wearing a dress so black i thought I'd gone partially blind. She walked forward slowly and the closer she got, the more my body wanted to give up. The visions in my mind became more and more intense and whatever fear that nailed me to the spot peaked.

The fear i felt when fighting Hisoka is nothing compared to this...

Ryuu's POV

Alright. the gargoyles are all distracted. Now i just need to-


what is this darkness...?

wait, don't tell me mom already met up with him?!

I ran down the stairs of the tower where the gargoyles nested and tried to find where Killua might be at. Seeing as there's only one way to enter the castle, i made a mad dash towards the front door but didn't even get that far when i saw the scene i was worried about but not the boy i was expecting.

I hid behind a pillar as i watched the servants of the castle lifted Gon and Pina's bodies off the ground. The two of them barely clinging on to life. Mom walked away and disappeared down a corridor somewhere meanwhile the servants took Gon and Pina away to where i assume would be the dungeons.

well that solves one portion of the mystery but if those two are here, then where is Killua?

Agh damn it! sorry Kil, you'll have to sort yourself out for now. I need to make sure those two don't end up eaten by some monster down at the undercroft.

When the coast is clear, i ran down the stairs and followed the path the servants took. Eventually, i caught onto them and as to not be noticed, i transformed into a rat and hid under furniture as i tailed them.

Eventually, they went past a door and the atmosphere immediately changed. Instead of the fancy wallpaper and finely carved and polished wood, it was cold gray stone.

I followed them all the way down winding hallways, going past torture rooms and cells for prisoners. Well i guess now i know what mom does on her free time...

They put both Pina and Gon on a sacrificial altar of sorts in the middle of a circular room before walking away. Once they're out of sight, i crawled out of my hiding spot but then realized the flaw in my plan. Beastly growling echoed from behind me. Now i know why i never saw any other rats on my way here... they were eaten...

One of the undead sprinted towards me jaws first. I quickly ran to the side and have it hit a loose wall instead that made a brick fall on it's head making a very satisfying crunch that killed it. But do you know the most annoying thing about zombies? There's never only one.

With Gon and Pina being placed out in the open, not to mention; the only humans in the dungeon who are actually LIVING, i can imagine these starved zombies will probably get quite hungry at their presence.

I transformed back into a large snake and braced myself for a fight...

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Where am i? I swear I've seen that golden statue three times now.

Ugh i need to bring around a map of this place, i have no idea where I'm at right now. Lets see... what to do when you're lost... ah! I know! The window!

I opened a nearby window and peeked my head out. To my right is... castle and to my left is.... castle. Alright, that didn't work.

I closed the window again and began pondering my options here. This place is huge and I have no idea where I'm at or where I'm supposed to even go. I'm beginning to think I've run into a dead end, that is until i heard a muffled squawk and the sound of something hitting glass. hard.

I turned around and saw the watcher i summoned pressed up against the window as if he just flew into it at full-speed. Getting closer, i opened the window again and upped the poor bird in.

Watcher "*caw... you closed the window caw!*

(Y/N) "how was I supposed to know you were gonna fly full-speed into it? Anyway, what have you got for me?"

Watcher "Caw! Killua is stuck at the outer gatehouse caw!"

(Y/N) "Outer gatehouse? What do you mean?"

Watcher "This castle is set in the middle of a chasm. Killua has no way to reach it caw!"

(Y/N) "show me. I have no idea how to navigate this place."

the watcher bowed before he started flapping his wings again and i followed him throughout the castle. This place is enormous...

*Meanwhile With Killua*

*Killua's POV*

I continued to sit on the ground and leaned my back on the stone walls of the gatehouse as i waited for that stupid bird to come back. I can't believe im just stranded out here... there's gotta be something i can do!



what the f...

I looked at the skies as i heard the sound of bat-like wings flapping and i saw them again. the damned gargoyles are back!

I stood up on-guard as one of them swooped down to kill me but i dodged. and it hit the floor instead. The gargoyle stayed there, completely disoriented for a few seconds but then took off again. It was then that i got an idea.

I looked back up to see that another one of them was about to strike and i got ready to move out of it's way. The overgrown bat missed me and crashed on the ground just like other one did, but instead of letting this one go, i climbed on top of it.

It tried to shake me off but i held on tight until it took to the skies again. We flew past the pack and I held onto it's head and pull it around until it faced the castle. I never thought I would ever drive a gargoyle in my life but here we are.

Pulling it's head around, I continued to maneuver it until I saw a large window and aimed the gargoyle straight for it. Bracing myself for impact, the gargoyle broke through.

Shattered glass and bits of stone tapped against the floor as the gargoyle crashed down. I got off of it a few seconds later and went into the only door i saw. Inside was a large lavishly-decorated room and on a sofa, gazing into the fireplace was (Y/N)!

I smiled and ran to him while calling out his name. Considering how much he worried me, i felt the edges of my eyes start to burn but i can worry about tears later. Unfortunately, i wasn't met with the reaction i was expecting at all. when i looked at him, he wasn't like his usual self. He looked...


Unnatural~ (Killua x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin