near yet far

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Despite being so close, still we are so far. I am jealous of others who take up your time and attention. Most of the time I am scolded, it hurts but I hide the pain. Most of the time you spend on your phone. You are my soulmate I wish you could hear my silent yearnings, wishes and dreams and turn them into reality. This silence is suffocating, I wish you would talk to me all day long and at night before sleeping. Most of the time I cry myself to sleep. Not thinking about my wants or needs, my parents fulfil them despite me being married. Why does everyone make it out like marriage is a fantasy when really its a test. I can hear his breathing but nothing is said. Sometimes I think is this how it will always be but I convince myself to stay positive and strong. Because in God's plan there's goodness and a reason for the tests we face.

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