Your Majesty

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Rays of light slowly began creeping over the horizon as the sun awoke from its slumber. Slowly covering everything in its bright glow, and embracing it in its warmth. The birds chirped happily in the trees, while the dew still lay fresh on the ground. Aurora closed her crystal eyes and breathed in through her nose. A small smile splayed on her lips. This was her favourite time of day, the time where no one else was up. She could do what she wanted. She could live. Unfortunately these short moments of bliss never really lasted.
"Your Majesty, your majesty! Oh princess!" Marion, a short plump women with rosy cheeks and kind eyes called to her from the back castle door. Not wanting to step out into the damp gardens. "Do come inside! You'll catch a dreadful cold out here, and you have a busy day after all. Come on child, come along!" Aurora let out a heavy breath, and felt the weight of a thousand worlds once again fall onto her shoulders. "Yes Marion," she answered, "right away". With that she turned away from the beckoning sun and calm of the gardens, and back into the castle where she would be the starring puppet in a play she truly despised.

As soon as she walked the door, she was surrounded by the hum of business. Servants, kitchen hands and diplomats alike, bustling through the corridors in a hurry. "Marion?" The princess, who was trailing behind, began with an inquisitive look, "Why is everyone so excited?" Marion stopped walking and looked back in utter disbelief. "Why don't you remember?" Aurora simply shook her head. Marion let out a light sigh and the smiled brightly, "Prince Jacobs is coming". Of course, it hit her, Prince Jacobs of Evanulas, the son of King Byron and champion knight. The most handsome bachelor in all of the kingdoms, coming to meet her father to arrange business. She instantly perked up and began to walk faster, "Well that we haven't a minute to spare". She said to Marion with a giddy smile. Marion smiled back and followed, however Aurora in her daydream state and haste didn't realise the servant boy who was on the ground cleaning and tripped over him. He instantly spun around and caught her before she hit the ground and after he helped her up he quickly bowed. Not a seconds contact more than required, or a single glance into her eyes. "My apologise, your majesty." He said in a deep yet comforting voice. She took a moment to regain her composure and offered a small smile, one that escaped his notice as he was still stating at the ground. "No, no that was my fault." She began to walk away again before throwing over her shoulder "not to worry". The young man stood there motionless, staring at her retreating figure before grudgingly returning to his meaningless task.
The princess kept moving, with a bounce in her step and a smile on her face. Prince Jacobs was coming, and she was going to make an impression. When she reached her chambers she was greeted my two maids. "Hello girls" she responded happily, "shall we get ready then?" without a moment's hesitation the three women quickly set about their work. Buzzing with excitement, as they dressed her, did her hair, and made her look her best for the prince. "Oh my!" Squealed Anna-Beth, one of the maids, "This is terribly exciting!Imagine if you were to marry to marry the prince!" With that comments all four women burst into excited squeals. Fantasising about the prospect of meeting and marrying a real life prince charming. A hesitant knock on the door drew Marion's attention, "One moment!" she called and hurried to the door. She opened it to reveal a young man, awkwardly shifting from one foot to the other, trying to control his breathing, while fiddling with a flower in his hands. He opened his mouth to speak, but not a single sound escaped. For the words in his mind got lost on their journey to his mouth. He looked down and ruefully shook his head, before clearing his throat and trying again, "May I please see the princess Aurora?" At the sound of her name Aurora got out of her chair and walked over to the door, "What is going on?" she asked. "This boy is asking to see you". Aurora turned to face him and smiled. He visibly gulped and with a shaking hand, extended a flower to her. It was not a rose or anything extravagant. However its colour was bold and bright and it smelled delightful, exactly the kind of flower she liked. "You dropped this earlier your majesty." He said with a small bow. She could not for the life of her remember dropping this flower. She could not even remember picking it. But she supposed that was due to all of today's excitement. So she nodded and graciously accepted it, while he nodded, and as the door shut he turned around and slouched against the door exhaling, trying to get over the fact that he had just picked a flower for the princess. While the princess leaned against the other side and inhaled with her nose in the flower. Allowing the aroma to envelope her. Both of them completely oblivious.

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