where's baji?

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FINALLY after 14h traveling y/n finally arrived to tokyo.
She didn't tell baji she's coming cuz she wanted to surprise him.
_"Baji your gonna regret ignoring me you bumpass" y/n mumbled before knocking at baji's apartment .

After a few knocking with no answer she figured she'd rent a room in the same building where baji lives.

"I'm starving I can't wait till my lazy brother arrives home, I guess I'm gonna eat alone at the restaurant " y/n thought

At the restaurant;

"Finally my chicken burger arrived"
She was about to eat it when suddenly someone shouted "where's the flag!!" Which made me drop my burger because of how loud his scream was

The person next to him with a tattoo dragon on his head put a flag on his food and said "here it is mikey ,now stop embarrassing us every time we eat at a restaurant" to which the flag boy ignored.

I was so frustrated with him and now I'm extra hungry . Y/n thought before barging to their table

"Hey you idiot you made me drop me food because of your flag!" y/n said shouting at the flag boy

"Oi oi oi who do you think your shouting at , your lucky your a girl cuz other wise you'd be dead by now" the braided hair boy said while the other one completely ignored me and ate his meal as if no one is talking to him.

"Listen I don't care if I'm dead or not because making me hungry Is just the same as killing me so don't act innocent and you flag boy stop ignoring what I'm saying" y/n replied

"ugh could this day get any worse" she mumbled before leaving the restaurant in anger.

"Oi mikey why didn't you say anything?" draken asked

"You know I'm in a different world when I'm eating" mikey replied before eating the last bit of his meal

"Come on ken-chen let's go"he said.
"Its already night and baji hasn't returned home, maybe I should go to the place where his gang meet he'd probably be their. I'll kick his a$$ when I see him " y/n thought

After few minutes of scrolling through her messages she fount it . The message where baji once told her Tomans meeting place "fianlly"

Y/n gave the taxi driver money for the ride as she arrived their

Before she could move towards the place all the members standing 2 large members blocked her way .

"What is a little princess doing here" one of them said while laughing

"Oh nothing just came here to surprise my brother now if you don't mind get away of me please " y/n said while she smiled at the 2 members without fearing of them

The two of them got pissed off by her attitude and one of them tried pushing her. But without realising the two were already knocked on the ground as y/n made her way in .

All the eyes went on her direction  by the noise she made when suddenly a blonde hair boy shouted "Y/N-SAN!!!" In surprise as tiers filled his face after seeing y/n.

All the eyes went on her direction  by the noise she made when suddenly a blonde hair boy shouted "Y/N-SAN!!!" In surprise as tiers filled his face after seeing y/n

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My Brother's Bestfriend | Mikey x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now