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Kiyomi was surprised; even though they had been in each other's bed countless times, she had no idea Ran's feelings were genuine; ultimately, he assured her as he reciprocated her feelings.

Kiyomi is contemplating whether she should tell Ran what she truly feels about him or not because it's too early and she doesn't want Ran to think she's easy to get. Kiyomi giggled. "So is this the time where you ask me if you can court me?"

Ran chuckled at Kiyomi's antics. "Can I court you? Yes, that is the only answer, babe," Ran questioned and joked.

Kiyomi pouts and slouches, acting as if she doesn't have a choice. "Oh boy, I guess I have to say yes?" she simpered.


"Well, Ran Haitani, you can court me," she approved, permitting Ran to court her.

"I can't wait to show you off to Roppongi as my girl." Kiyomi cocked her head and rolled her eyes in amorous anticipation; her soon-to-be boyfriend is cocky and pompous.

"Anyways, baby, I got something for you," Ran said, stroking the cat's head as he petted it. Kiyomi chewed her lower lip anxiously, not knowing how to explain to Ran that she's allergic to cats.

Kiyomi's heart melts as she watches Ran pet and plays with the cat; they are so adorable. If only she didn't have an allergy, she would immediately hug both of them. "Ran..." she whispered, calling his attention.

Ran lifted his head, shifting his sight at Kiyomi, who was acting weird. "What is it? Don't you like the little guy?" he queried.

Kiyomi sighed. If Ran only knew how badly she wanted to pet the cat. "Ran, I'm allergic to cats," she divulged.

Ran's face is clouded with confusion. "Huh? You said you have a pet?" Ran pondered. He thought Kiyomi had a pet because that's what she told him.

Kiyomi's grip on the sunflower bouquet tightened as she hesitated. What if Ran hates lairs? Would he despise her? "I-I-I don't; it was a lie," Kiyomi stuttered, lowering her head in distress.

"Kiyomi..." Ran's voice was tinged with uncertainty and concern for unknown reasons. Tears began to build up in Kiyomi's eyes, remembering how she lied to Ran, giving him the lamest reason for an excuse.

It was Rindou's fault! He made her panic, saying that she had a boyfriend at home, which is not true; she just wanted to go home because she was feeling uncomfortable around them. Rindou's false remark made her falter for a random reason, and out of so many choices, the only thing that came to mind was to feed her cat, even though she didn't have one.

"I'm sorry, okay, I don't have a proper excuse to give at that time." Kiyomi apologizes for trying to convince Ran. "I'm upset," Ran asserted in a rasping tone.

"Ran--" Kiyomi was about to reason and clear things up when Ran cut him off by holding her hand with his free hand. "I'm angry not because you lied to me but because I don't know what to do with this little guy," he clarified with a smile.

Who knows that Ran Haitani could be so thoughtful? With that, a flush crept up on Kiyomi's face, making her yell out of excitement, "Oh, give it to me!" She tried to hold the cat, but Ran interrupted her with a glare out of wordiness, "No, what if you get an allergic reaction?"

Kiyomi pouts; her brother is not around, so it's fine; a little risk won't hurt. "It's okay, I will risk my life for his cutie." She looked at Ran with her cute, sparkling eyes, trying to convince him to hand over the cute kitten.

Ran clicked his tongue, making a 'Tch'. "Fine, but once you get an allergic reaction, I'm taking him away." He couldn't resist her cuteness, and those red eyes were making him melt like butter. Her eyes always give him warm comfort.

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